Chart Service: Interpretations and Astrology Charts

Continuation: Page 4
Thank you so much for your help, and for the Kepler software. I am just beginning to get to know it and have been very busy since it has arrived, but seem to be navigating around fairly well. Thank you Fei! I need to work with the Fixed Star program more, but it certainly seems to contain all of the accuracy that I was looking for! I look forward to spending hours of research in this particular area. Bless you for all you do.

-D. Cerow
Boulder, CO

As I said to you on the phone, I've had Kepler from the beginning and just love it. The praise in Mountain Astrologer is very well-deserved. May all the good you and the staff for for all of us out here be returned to you a thousand-fold.

-H. Fitzgerald
Sherman Oaks, CA

I have been using Kepler for years, as well as some of your other reports, and I love it. Keep up the great work and hope to hear from you soon. Cheers,

-S. Oliver
Shoreline, WA

Yesterday I ordered Child Astrological Report for myself since I'm considering getting that software for my Kepler sometime in future. Was surprised how accurate it seemed as I am now 66 yrs of age.

-J. Gann
Springfield, MO

have been using Kepler 6.0. I love the programs. The live reports are great!

-J. Cahill
Overland Park, KS

I love your products and your staff has always been so supportive -(we even talked for an hour one time). Happy Holidays to you and yours. Keep doing the great job you are doing, educating the public. Astrology is so very important! Take Care!

-S. Montgomery
Murrieta, GA

I have to tell you how very pleased I´ve always been by your service at Kepler - so quick and so very nice - you guys are great!

-C. Bjornhaug
Gothenburg, Sweden

Fei, Thanks. So simple. I followed your directions and didn't read all my options. It's all fixed now. You've been a great help. You sure made me glad I got Kepler software.

-J. McAffee
Stanfield, NC

First of all, I would like to tell you that I really enjoyed the seminar in Chicago. I thought Pam was wonderful and she pointed out so many great features! I wouldn't mind going to another seminar to reinforce the information and get better with the program.

-S. Bryan
Las Vegas, NV

I delivered and installed Rebecca's Kepler 6 yesterday for her. I haven't heard so many ooohs and aaaahs as I did when I showed her the features and capabilities of the software. She was giddy as schoolgirl about her new program.

-A. Massey
Fort Langley, B.C.

Thanks for your help. Your tech support is unbelievably good!

-J. Levine
Cambridge, MA

Dear David, Thank you so much. I really appreciate your input. I am enjoying the lessons you wrote. As a complete novice, I can tell you that they are very informative and clear - A big help!

- E. Korby
Flushing, NY

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***Updated on3/25/2004 at3:12:36 PM
Copyright © 1982-2004 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.