Hidden Messages Sample Report
Hidden Messages Chart Interpretation for

Jodie Foster
November 19, 1962
8:14 PM
Los Angeles, California

6212 NW 43RD Street, Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32653
Phone: 352-373-1504



We are all looking for unconditional love. Most of us never got it. When we fall in love we think, "Now, finally, here is someone who will give me the (unconditional) love I've always wanted."

So we marry. Then it starts---because we're not programmed for love. Instead, we are programmed to duplicate our parents' relationship. Because of this programming, even if we found someone who loved us unconditionally, we would have to push them away.

How can we attract what we are not programmed to receive? We can't---until we take a conscious look at what we are programmed to attract. Only then can we change our lives.

This program is designed to help us do just that.

Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Sun 27 Sco 21
Moon 9 Vir 21
Mercury 24 Sco 22
Venus 15 Sco 45
Mars 17 Leo 45
Jupiter 3 Pis 37
Saturn 6 Aqu 10
Uranus 5 Vir 06
Neptune 13 Sco 45
Pluto 12 Vir 00
N. Node 2 Leo 54
Asc. 18 Can 25
MC 4 Ari 19
2nd cusp 9 Leo 52
3rd cusp 4 Vir 21
5th cusp 9 Sco 47
6th cusp 16 Sag 07

Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 04:14:00 Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 10 Degrees
Opposition : 10 Degrees
Square : 10 Degrees
Trine : 10 Degrees
Sextile : 7 Degrees



She was an extremely beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. She was also an extremely sucessful business woman---equal to or better than many men in her profession. She'd come to me for a consultation because she was considering remarrying. Although her two previous marriages had been unsuccessful, she longed for a man with whom she could be happy. She was in my office because she honestly wondered if that were possible.

In the course of the consultation, she shared with me that her mother was successful in her career. Message: BE A SUCCESS IN YOUR CAREER. She also shared that her mother had been married several times, so she was programmed for multiple marriages. Each time my client married, her mother encouraged her to leave her husband. Her mother's message was: MARRY, BUT DON'T STAY MARRIED. As a child, my client saw her mother win every argument with each of her husbands. Message: ARGUE WITH MEN AND WIN. My client's father was strong, but distant and unaffectionate. Message: MEN ARE DISTANT AND UNAFFECTIONATE. My client created this situation in her marriages and felt unloved by her husbands. Each of her stepfathers put up a good fight, but ultimately they left. Message: MEN WILL PUT UP A GOOD FIGHT AND THEN LEAVE.

The combination of verbal and non-verbal messages produced a woman who resented men, yet kept turning to them to make her happy. Because she was programmed for marriage to be stormy and her husbands to leave, she created just that. She married strong men and wound up emasculating them. She was looking for love, but her programming would not let her keep it.

Her fiance played right into the program. He was stubborn and determined. He was not a success in his career, although he had great potential. Each time he came close to success, he'd fall short. His ambitions were high, but he became a dilettante. He made a great impression, but had no money. His programming explained it all. At one point in time, his father had been very important and successful in his career. When the young man was just a boy, his father had been nominated for an extremely prestigious award. Winning this award would have meant financial security for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, another nominee was selected as the winner. From that point on, the son was programmed to COME CLOSE, BUT FALL SHORT, and that's exactly what he did in every area of life.

His parents had not gotten along. His proud, stoic father had given him the message that THE WOMAN SHOULD PUT THE MAN FIRST. He also felt that MEN WERE MORE INTELLIGENT THAN WOMEN.

These two were programmed for each other. Here was a chauvinist up against a powerful woman; a business failure up against a business success. Neither one, however, was programmed for a warm, loving relationship, though that's what they both wanted. When faced with a situation like this, the first reaction might be to discourage a marriage, since it seems doomed to failure. Yet, these two people were attracted to each other precisely because they could give one another what each was programmed to receive. And, in spite of their programming, they loved one another. This love could, if they chose, be the impetus to help them see and release their programming and create a warm, loving relationship.

This situation occurs all the time. Our hidden messages are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious that we respond to them unknowingly. For example, if one of your hidden messages is that YOU CANNOT BE HAPPY WHILE A FAMILY MEMBER IS UNHAPPY, you will find that you are never happy because there is always someone who needs your help. Even if you are miles away, just knowing that a relative might be unhappy about something can upset you. After awhile, this message can be triggered simply by the suggestion of happiness--as soon as you feel good you have to feel bad. This totally destroys your enjoyment of life.

Another common message is that YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS YOUR FATHER (OR MOTHER, OLDER SISTER, YOUNGER BROTHER, ETC.). If you received this message, you will see to it that you fall short of your goals so as not to surpass him. If he has not been much of a success in his life, where does that leave you?

We have been told that if we will live up to the potential indicated in the natal chart, our lives will work. Why, then, are so many lives not working? The answer is simple: they ARE working, or at least the hidden messages are working, running our lives. By knowing what these messages are, we can be free to be our highest and best, to be limitless.



Your father takes you from the security of the home and teaches you how to act in society. He helps you form your public image, the face you want the world to see. The Sun represents your father.

Sun in Scorpio:

Your father taught you to be a private person, possibly manipulative and always in control of yourself. His message is not to trust what you see or hear, but to look below the surface to see what's really going on.

Sun in 5th house:

Your father taught you to be creative, have fun and be a kid. However, HE wants to be the kid, which places you in the role of his parent. If you have a child of your own, your child assumes the role of parent to you, making you feel like the middle child. Your father taught you to be dramatic in whatever you do and possibly to take a chance. He also taught you to be proud of anything you create, especially your children. Your ego can be involved in your creations, though, resulting in pride.

Sun in hard aspect to Mercury:

Your father has a one-track mind, making it hard for him to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. He can only discuss what is of interest to him. You are the same way. He does not give you enough space to be objective about him.

Sun in hard aspect to Mars:

You and your father compete with each other. You are both argumentative and ready for a fight. As a result, your sexual energies are strong. You are each headstrong and want your own way.

Sun in hard aspect to Jupiter:

Your father is self-indulgent and tends to exaggerate. He can make promises and not deliver. This leads to compensation: he can prove his love by giving you gifts. You do the same thing.

Sun in hard aspect to Uranus:

Your father is self-willed, rebellious and unpredictable. So are you. You attract this type of friend. Your need for freedom is so strong that it is hard to stay with one person or situation for long.

Sun in soft aspect to North and South Nodes:

You have a good rapport with your father and with men in general. You can attain power and authority in this lifetime.



The most important person in your early years is your mother. Because the Moon rules both the mother and the subconscious, her influence reaches you on the deepest levels. It might be said that since the subconscious is the repository of all past-life experiences, your mother triggers this memory, which is why her influence is so strong.

Your mother's main message is to look for emotional security. The house in which the Moon is placed natally indicates that area of life in which you hope to find this security. You received this message either directly or indirectly. She told you where to look for it, and you spend the rest of your life looking for it where she said it would be. The sign in which the Moon falls describes your mother, as do the aspects to the Moon. The aspects also tell you if it will be easy or difficult to find the security you seek. Because the Moon is changeable, the promise of emotional security is elusive. Perhaps this is why you keep returning to the place where it is supposed to be, hoping it will be there this time.

Keep in mind that these messages are not necessarily verbal. You can receive them from her actions as well as her words; by her presence as well as her absence.

Moon in Virgo:

Your mother tends to worry about the small details of life. She passed this along to you. She is a perfectionist. This comes from feelings of being less than perfect and wanting to correct the flaw. She taught you to comprehend, rather than understand. As a result, you analyze everything so that you can categorize and label it. Health, or lack thereof, may be one of her interests. Your security needs can be fulfilled by serving God in everything that you do.

Moon in 3rd house:

Your mother's message is to think emotionally and remember not just what happened, but how you felt about what happened. Your emotional security need may be fulfilled through talking. You are probably quite psychic, but may find it difficult to discern between intuition and emotion. The female influence in your early environment was strong. The Moon here can indicate not just your mother, but other female relatives. Travel may help fulfill your need for security. Your mother taught you to take your ideas personally, to identify with them emotionally, and to think defensively. However,your true freedom comes from letting go of your emotional attachment to your ideas.

Moon in soft aspect to Venus:

Your mother is loving and giving, and there is a beautiful bond of love between the two of you. You, in turn, are loving and giving. You attract fulfilling relationships and friends who care about you.

Moon in hard aspect to Jupiter:

This aspect tends toward overindulgence and exaggeration. Your mother buys love and compensates for lack of it. You tend to exaggerate your moods and attract people who overdo a good thing. You may overwhelm people by coming on larger-then-life.

Moon in hard aspect to Uranus:

Your mother is unpredictable and you never know what to expect of her. She taught you to rebel. You both want freedom. As a result, relationships can end suddenly and unexpectedly. You attract self-willed, erratic people to you.

Moon in soft aspect to Neptune:

There is a natural spiritual attunement between you and your mother. She gave you the desire to serve unselfishly. She also gave you a love of music, art and beauty, as well as an appreciation of metaphysics. You both have creative and artistic potential. You feel she is special. You may have a mystical quality about you that attracts people.

Moon in hard aspect to Pluto:

There is a strong power play between you and your mother based on her need to control you and your need to protect and defend yourself. You may be dependent on her and resent the dependency, since that is what holds you prisoner. Your mutual need to retaliate keeps you hooked into this power play. You find it hard to trust women and can attract jealousy from them. You take things peronsally and cannot forgive past hurts. This makes you vindictive. You can locate someone else's jugular with uncanny accuracy. You are possessive of those you love and expect their unfailing loyalty. Your mother gave you powerful messages about sex that can control you.


Saturn is reality and often, restriction. In the natal chart, it can represent your mother, father, grandparents, family ---anyone who imposes a restrictive influence on your life and tries to teach you reality through discipline.

Saturn in Aquarius:

The authority figures in your life are humanitarians, but still want to do things their way. They may feel frustrated by society. They are set in their ways and sure they are right. They passed this along to you.

Saturn in 7th house:

The authority figures in your life gave you the message that while partnership involves restriction, it is your responsibility to be married. The hidden message is that you are to be married to them. As a result, you may, unknowingly, see your mate as an authority figure and feel restricted and confined in your marriage.

Saturn in hard aspect to Venus:

You never felt loved by the authority figures in your life, so you are not programmed to give love or receive it. Because your authority figures cannot be happy, they do not want you to be, either. As a result, there is a cloud of sadness which colors every happy occasion in your life--if you're happy, you have to be unhappy. They also gave you the message that love involves hurt, responsibility, and possibly loss. As a result, any time love comes close, you sabotage it and push it away.

Saturn in hard aspect to Neptune:

The authority figures in your life were insecure about their own abilities and taught you to doubt your own. You are afraid to look too closely at your dreams, possibly because every time your reached for success, they held you back. The result is that you are afraid of success and sabotage it when it comes too close.

Saturn in hard aspect to North and South Nodes:

Your fear of being restricted by authority figures comes from past lives and affects you in this one. Fear can restrict the attainment of success. Power must be handled wisely in this lifetime.


Pluto is another indicator of your mother's ---and sometimes your grandmother's---message. Pluto represents total change, control, and transmutation. It is the all-or-nothing planet. Pluto deals with all the mysteries of life: life itself, where it originates, where it goes when it leaves this plane. Pluto and the aspects it makes in your chart describe your mother's message about and your attitude towards sex.

Pluto's house placement indicates where there can be a power play with your mother, where you will both try to dominate and control, and where you can bring about a total transformation. You control because you don't trust. You don't trust the people who rule the house in which Pluto falls.

While Pluto represents your mother's message, it can also represent your grandmother's. Use whichever word applies to you.

Pluto in Virgo:

Pluto in Virgo gives you a different attitude about work, health and how to serve others.

Pluto in 3rd house:

There was a reversal of roles between you and your mother when you were a child--unless Pluto is retrograde---in which case, it occurred later. Your mother dominates your thinking and you think in terms of how to control every situation, weighing every idea and word carefully. You want to understand the workings of your mind so that you control it, rather than it controlling you. Your thinking will undergo a total change in this lifetime, enabling you to think the way YOU choose.

Pluto in hard aspect to Moon:

There is a strong power play betwen you and your mother based on her need to control you and your need to protect and defend yourself. You may be dependent on her and resent the dependency, since that is what holds you prisoner. You find it hard to trust women, and can attract jealousy from them. You take things personally and find it hard to forgive past hurts. This makes you vindictive. You can locate someone else's jugular with uncanny accuracy. You are possessive of those you love and expect their unfailing loyalty. Your mother's message about sex is powerful and controlling.

Pluto in soft aspect to Venus:

You feel deeply loved by your mother and this makes you a loving person in return. Your mother gave you positive messages regarding love and sex, which permit you to enjoy both. You are creative and can enjoy the good things in life without going overboard.

Pluto in hard aspect to Jupiter:

Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so your mother's control is very strong. Equally strong is your need to be free. This need for freedom is really a desire to be in control so as not to be controlled. Your mother taught you to exaggerate. This can trigger extreme reactions in you. You may tend to be vindictive and justify this by saying you are standing on principle. Your strong sexual drives can be channeled into causes and philosophies.

Pluto in hard aspect to Uranus:

You rebel against any attempts to restrict your free will. This message was given to you by your mother. Your psychic ability is strong, but you are suspicious. This can cloud your perception. At times, you can go to extremes in your need for independence.

Pluto in soft aspect to Neptune:

There is a positive psychic bond between you and your mother. Your spiritual side is active, and you have vision and insight.


The fourth house relates to home, family and your deepest emotional security needs. It describes the parent to whom you look for the fulfillment of these needs. Traditional astrology gives the mother rulership over this house because she has been the nurturing parent, the one who stayed home and cared for the family. Today, though, mother often pursues a career, and it is father who provides the emotional security.

The tenth house rules your career, your public image and the authority figure(s) in your life. It is your father who teaches you how to get along in the world outside the home. As such, the tenth house traditionally relates to him.

There are no set rules as to which parent rules which house. Sometimes one parent fulfills both roles. Other times the parents reverse roles. Each chart must be analyzed individually to determine which parent rules the fourth and which rules the tenth.

The relationship between the fourth and tenth is important because your home, family and the security they give you determine how you will do outside the home. If you don't get what you need from one parent, you may turn to the other, who may or may not be able to fulfill your needs. Lack of emotional security in the home can lead to compensation in the career. The career, then, can become a parent replacement.

The signs on the cusps of the fourth and tenth houses add another dimension to understanding your parents. When trying to determine which house is which parent, it is helpful to exaggerate the descriptions enough to allow yourself to be able to make a distinction between the two.

Libra on 4th Cusp:

This parent said to do your thing in your career. He/she is ambitious, impatient and puts him/herself first.

Aries on 10th Cusp:

This parent is the family mediator who wants things peaceful at home. Marriage is important to him/her.


The signs represent principles to be learned. The house cusp on which a sign falls tells us the area of life in which that principle will be learned. Usually, the principle manifests in more than one area of life, since the ruler, or ROVING DELEGATE of that sign, carries the message to another house.

It makes no difference what sign falls on the cusp in question. We simply link the sign with its ruler's house position. For example, with Virgo on the fourth and Mercury in the eleventh, the ruler of the fourth is in the eleventh. The same thing is true if Taurus is on the fourth and Venus is in the eleventh. The same concept applies in each case.

The house in which the fourth or tenth house ruler falls gives us more information regarding that parent's messages.

Ruler of 4th house in 5th:

This parent influences your children and may act like your child. The message is that your security will be fulfilled through your children, through creativity or through fun. He or she may want to have fun with you.

Ruler of 10th house in 2nd:

This parent influences your values and helps you make money. He or she is your posssession. Authority figures influence your values and finances.


Now that you've looked at your programming, you may be wondering if it will control you forever or if there is something you can do to change it, to move past it. There is. You can release it and yourself to God in complete faith and trust and just BE. When you come from BEING, you are coming from unconditional love. You see beauty everywhere. You are one with the whole and know that you are protected and loved.

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