Forecast or Transit Reports for Kepler or Pegasus



MONTHLY FITNESS LUNAR RETURN: by Art Poppe. Optional Report Option of Kepler, Sirius or Pegasus: Art Poppe created this new Monthly Fitness and Lifestyle Guide to help you face the biggest challenge to your health and diet, which is your emotional state. When your emotions are out of control, your body follows your lead. Second in command is Mercury, taking the lead from the emotions and reacting on the body in very profound ways.

This report is a monthly look at dietary and exercise potential based on the sign on the Ascendant, with a secondary look at the Moon, house, aspects and all other planets. It is a "LONG TERM" procedure for people interested in taking charge and control of their lives, and understanding the underlying cause of diet and exercise breakdowns. By understanding the monthly influences imposed upon them, they can work with them and avoid the pitfalls placed in their path. This report also includes the interpretation of signs on the Ascendant, planets in the house, signs and aspects, Midheaven (as others see us and contribute to our dietary effort).

This Report is not intended to be used for "quick" dietary loss or health maintenance. It is not meant to be an "overload" of information so that the reader is confused by what can be overwhelming information if not closely monitored as seen below (in the USE paragraph). DISCLAIMER: **No diet or exercise regime should be started without the advice of a doctor or physician. Currently available in English only. Price: $150.

Compatibility Report by Gina Ronco MONTHLY FITNESS SAMPLE PRINTOUT:


Monthly Fitness and Healthy Life Style Guide


Julia Roberts
October 28, 1967
12:16 AM
Atlanta, Georgia


Lunar Return for: Atlanta, Georgia 33 N 44 56 84 W 23 17

LUNAR RETURN: September 16, 2009 at 11:24 AM

Zodiac Signs on the Ascendant and MC, and the Ascendant Ruler

The zodiac signs on the Ascendant and MC, and the house position of the Ascendant ruler at the time of the Lunar return are described below. Your social and career opportunities for the coming month are influenced by these signs and house placement.

Ascendant in Scorpio (MAJOR FOCUS):

    Water Retention is one of your biggest barriers to weight loss success this month!

Characteristics of Scorpio on the Ascendant:

    It will be easy to lose weight with Scorpio on the Ascendant. The only problem is not eating CAN cause other health problems to manifest themselves. Even if you do not feel like eating anything, force yourself to have something small to hold you over, and while you are at it, try to make it nutritious.

    You can either be the devil, bringing destruction and ruin, or an angel bestowing blessings on your fellow human beings. These are the only two options this month, and there are no in-betweens. You will be extremely courageous, strong willed, sensitive, and emotionally deep inside. The capacity you have to overcome any obstacle or adversity that comes to you is unequaled by any other sign.

    With Scorpio on the Ascendant this month, your physical stamina will increase, staying with projects until the very end, and can be somewhat obsessed with strengthening the body. You will stay with your goals to the bitter end now as long as there is a glimmer of hope at success. You will be attracted to people who are also strong and magnetic. In your personal affairs you will become more secretive, not willing to reveal to the public your private business.

    Whether it is a career, love, relationships, decisions, hunches, jealousy or hatred, you do so with your whole heart. You have a special kinship to the animal world and I would be surprised not to see dogs and cats scattered around the property this month.

Your Ruling Planet this Lunar month is:
    Scorpio is ruled by both Mars, the planet of energy and aggression, and Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth.

The Part Of The Body Your Sign Rules:
    Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, bladder, prostate, colon, rectum, the vocal cords, larynx, liver, uterus, menstruation, sweat glands and the endocrine glands. Some health complaints you may have this month are headaches, infections and fevers. Scorpio is associated with a strong constitution and can usually overcome problems.

Your Metabolic rate this month is:
    High. INCREASES THE APPETITE dramatically, making you feel hungry more often. With this much energy present, you should be able to overcome any obstacles before you. Remember to change your routine to keep from getting bored. Because it will be very easy to burn up food that you eat now, make sure to eat smaller and more nutritious meals. If you eat more frequently, say 4 mini-meals a day, your body will thank you for it. Just like a car or plane, the better the fuel that you put in, the better the performance. Avoid heavy food and carbohydrates that can clog the engine and slow you down, stealing your energy. Heavy food can cause you to feel sluggish, resulting in the need to take more breaks and afternoon or evening naps to recharge.

Likely attitude towards diet and exercise:
   You are so darned busy and active you don’t have time to exercise. If you do consider exercise, you will want to include anything that involves heat, or working up a good sweat.

Exercise Programs:
    Boxing, long-distance running, or any strenuous sport is great. You prefer to be alone when trying to unwind from the stress of the day. The Stairmaster, weight lifting, gymnastics, jogging, or yoga combined with meditation are good for you.

    Asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, onions, tomatoes, black cherries, coconuts, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables & whole grain bread, fish and seafood, green salads, beets, almonds, walnuts, citrus fruit, berries, apples, bananas and pineapples.

    Large meals during the day and the evening meal should be light. Drink plenty of water but avoid alcohol which has a negative effect on you, especially now. Crash or odd type diets should be avoided, especially those that allow you to yo yo back and forth. You may have some constipation complaints this month due to incorrect diet.

Pay attention to any/all planets located in the First House of the self, for additional tips and information, as well as the aspects to them.

Disclaimer: Before starting any diet, always seek the advice of a doctor or physician.

Ascendant is in Scorpio, Pisces Decanate

   Your Metabolic rate this month is: Low. With a low metabolic rate, it will be much more difficult to absorb and release anything you eat, not that you can’t but it will be at a much slower rate.

   Ruled by the planet Neptune, you can make some real sacrifices and serve humanity, or the other extreme of bringing other people down with you in your quest for self destruction. You will be much more mystical, intense and serious. You will be much more sensitive to your surroundings and more irritable as well.

Ruler of Ascendant in 2nd house:

    With the Lunar Ascendant Ruler in the Lunar 2nd house, the focus is on security, material possessions, values and where your income or resources can be found this month.

Additional 2nd house influences:
    Self worth, values, inner creativity, talents, inner strength, determination, wealth, income, ethics, morals,   integrity, priorities, conscious actions, meeting obligations, capacity for earning and spending, and acquiring material possessions.

MC in Leo:

   Since this is the most "visible" part of the Lunar chart, it represents how you want to be seen by the outside world. It is the face or mask that you deliberately put on for others to see.

   With Leo on the Midheaven this month, you should try to avoid fatty foods, snack foods, cakes, and candy.

   Career matters or things that can have your interest this month are acting, performing, artistic work, banking, fashion, medical profession, lecturing, being a spokesperson for others, politics or local government, and work with animals.

   Your goals will be courageous, proud and somewhat egotistical. In your career you need a position where all of that Leo energy can shine through. A job in the background would stunt your growth and creativity leaving you bored to death. You are a born leader and because of this you do not take direction or orders from others very well.

   With Leo on the Midheaven, your strong ego needs will look for expression in the public in some way. You may find that assistance comes from the father or an authority figure this month. You are known for your courage and strength of character, and other people recognize it. You draw others to you for their own support and source of inspiration.

Zodiac Signs on the Other House Cusps

The zodiac signs on the other house cusps affect your attitude to many areas of your life, and have a significant impact on what kinds of opportunities and challenges will present themselves in the coming month.

Sagittarius on the 2nd cusp:

   You may have to spend money on, or products pertaining to any of the following health concerns this month: hips, thighs, sciatic nerve, liver, lungs and motor nerves. The tendency to feverish complaints may be noted this month.

   You may decide to spend money on accessories for, or invest in the following: archery, fencing, rock climbing, polo, horseback riding, calisthenics, rafting, hiking, camping, and canoeing.

   Try including more of these in your shopping cart: fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, whole grain cereals, egg yolk, broiled poultry and fish, beets, tomatoes, plums, cherries, oranges, lemons, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, whole wheat, (drink) water, and rice. Ethnic foods such as vegetables, curry, sushi, rice, salad, also juice, granola, dried apricots, popcorn and raisins. Asparagus and olives can be great cleansing agents, along with green peas, mushrooms, sage, cloves and nutmeg.

   Please try to keep these out of your shopping cart: butter and other fats, gravies, cream, candy, and chocolate. Try to cut down on as much alcohol as possible to avoid damage to the liver and skin.

   With Sagittarius on the second house cusp you will not have to worry about being reserved, cheap or secretive in financial affairs. You will be generous, willing to share what you have with people in need. For you, your interest in finances extends only to taking care of your needs and sharing, therefore you may not accumulate very much because of your extravagant nature. You are likely to draw success and finances to you because of your naturally lucky personality. You are likely to take risks and suffer some financial losses from time to time. Look to the house containing Jupiter for some insight as to where money can be made. There might be some travel associated with the money that you make as well.

Capricorn on the 3rd cusp:

   There can be more communication about, or a need to learn more about areas concerning: the bones, teeth and especially the knees, hair, skin, and stomach, sprains, dislocations, joint pain, sensitive skin, and allergies.

   Areas that will be interesting for you, or take participation in learning:  Hiking, jogging, golf, or rock climbing.

   Communication about dietary options, or learning about health care benefits surrounding: oranges, lemons, celery, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, corn, peas, potatoes, walnuts, almonds, whole wheat, oats, brown rice, raw salad, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, fish, eggs, whole-grain bread, cheese, buttermilk, yogurt, beans, plums, strawberries and blueberries. The ill effects of eating chocolate, refined sugar, highly seasoned and spicy food can be cause for discussion.

   With Capricorn on the third house of communication and learning, you are careful in your expression of thoughts and ideas. You are not the kind of person who sits down and writes letters or speaks unless the need is absolutely necessary. Because of this you may be seen as secretive or cold in communication. You must be very careful to choose your words carefully and with great forethought, because you can be quite harsh in speech with others and with family, friends and acquaintances. Look to the house where Saturn is found to get some idea where your interests can be found.

Aquarius on the 4th cusp:

   Around the home front there may be health concerns for yourself and family members regarding any of the following: calves, ankles, circulation, breath, eyesight, and blood need some attention. Health complaints can include cramps, allergies, sudden illness or nervous disorders.

   Sports involving people around the home environment can include dancing, gymnastics, skating, aerobics, martial arts, and skiing.

   Dietary needs can change, or a member of your family may need to make changes in diet including more: fish, lobster, tuna, oysters, spinach, radishes, celery, cabbage, lettuce, corn, squash, almonds, walnuts, apples, peaches, pears, lemons, oranges, sea salt, carrots, strawberries, vegetables, whole-grain bread, chicken, beets, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, pineapple, brown rice, whole wheat, yogurt and cheese.

   A change in diet or special dietary needs for family members can exclude: coffee, which can make you nervous. On the other hand you can try herbal teas to relax. Ethnic food and cuisine is great stuff, just don’t overdo it.

   With Aquarius on the fourth house of the home, family, roots, real estate, property and security, you will stress a great deal of freedom within the structure of the home. You will not want to be tied down to a daily routine, and domestic chores will be decided when you get to it. You will experience many domestic upsets, may move frequently and find it difficult to settle in one place. To say the least, your living arrangements may be unusual, be it bomb shelter, school bus, pup tent or camper that you hang your name on. On a positive note your home may be filled with electronic devices, computers, Internet, security and toys to keep you busy. You can come up with some great innovative ideas that should spice up your home life. Look to the house where Uranus is located to see where your home security can be found.

Pisces on the 5th cusp:

   Since this has rulership over children, there may be some health concerns connected to: feet, toes and bones of the feet. Some health complaints this month are swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, or problems with the feet. Low blood pressure and inflammations can be cause of concern this Lunar month. There can be vulnerabilities or sensitivity to medicines, drugs, and anesthesia.

    This is also the house of amusement, you can have some fun and challenges with the following: music, dance, biking, the stair master, treadmill, rowing machine, swimming, ice skating, canoeing, rowing, water skiing, surfing, water-aerobics classes. Step aerobic, ballet, jazz or other types of dance will be very appealing to you now. Meditative techniques, yoga and Tai Chi might capture your interest as well.

   Because this is the house of your creativity, what fabulous dishes can you come up with using these: liver, lean beef, lamb, egg yolks, oysters, kidneys, whole-grain cereals, barley, dried beans, beet, spinach, onions, lettuce, raisins, dates, apricots, peaches, grapes, apples, lemons, oranges, lettuce, strawberries, radishes, cucumbers, almonds, walnuts.

   Please try to avoid: cut down on table salt, for that can make you feel bloated. Coffee can over-stimulate Pisces natives and should be cut down to a bare minimum. Pisceans are particularly susceptible to the effects of alcohol. Because the ruler Neptune also governs drugs, you should be careful in their use. Get advice first before you take anything new. Water retention is a problem for Pisces, and since you will be drawn to salt, the problem only gets worse. Avoid alcohol in excess too because it will tend to dehydrate you.

   You have Pisces on the fifth house of Children, recreation, romance and creativity, artistic abilities, hobbies, writing books (creatively), speculation and investments. You can be somewhat frustrated in creativity, romance and children as constant disappointment and disillusionment accompany Pisces here because of Neptune, the ruler. Nevertheless, there is a strong determination to make some difference in the world through your creativity, maybe in film or photography, art and music. Making sacrifices for children is a requirement for Pisces in the fifth house. Look to the house where Neptune is located to see where you might find your recreation and romance potential.

Aries on the 6th cusp:

   There can be injury to, or have health concerns for yourself and others concerning the following: sinus, headaches, tooth and gum problems, or even nose bleeds. Protect your head and face from injuries.

   Some great sports or exercise ideas to consider: martial arts, surfing, rollerblading, gymnastics, boxing, football, softball, or basketball, jogging, walking, horseback riding, swimming, or tennis. Mars rules iron, so pumping iron might have you feeling wonderful.

   Try including more of this in your diet: tomatoes, beans, brown rice, broccoli, bananas, dried apricots, walnuts, olives, onions, lettuce, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, and milk. Make sure to drink plenty of water. Because you will be more than likely active this month, make sure to get your beauty sleep. Remember to add some spice to your diet foods to keep them varied and interesting. It’s a boredom thing!

   By all means try to avoid salt and liquor. Ingesting too much salt affects the bones and arteries, while liquor will react negatively on the kidneys.

   You have Aries on the cusp of the sixth house of Work, Work environment, responsibilities, health, work and service for others, relationships with employees and co-workers, and your interest in physical fitness. You are very hard working, and get great satisfaction from the work that you do, but can get lost in your work, excluding everything else. Sometimes you can have difficulties with people around you because of your enthusiastic attitude, where you may be critical of people who are not up to your standards. You may work each other very hard at home or on the job and take a very stern view of health and diet. Look to the house where Mars is located to see where you might find work or service to others.

Taurus on the 7th cusp:

   You may seek professional advice in any of the following health areas: throat, neck, ears, or jaw. Stiff necks, sore throats and earaches are common complaints.

   Planets located in the house of partnerships (and getting professional help or advice) of any kind, including marital, can have you working on projects (as partners) in any of the following:  archery, marksmanship, and golf would be great. Remote control speed and dexterity fit into that category as well.

   You may seek professional advice in the dietary advantage of any of the following: asparagus, beets, cauliflower, spinach, cucumber, onions, nuts and cranberries. You should also drink plenty of water to help keep your system flushed out. Include more fish, seafood, eggs, liver, beans, wheat germ, fresh fruit and green salads.

   You may also seek out advice on the negative effects of: Carbohydrates, heavy, and rich foods. Choose a diet plan that allows plenty of fresh fruit, frozen yogurt and low fat toppings. Crash diets should be avoided.

   Relationships, partnerships, marriage, people you have close associations with, cooperation or lack of, contracts, and legal matters are all part of the seventh house. Loyalty, jealousy and possessiveness will play a strong role in relationships now. You may be involved in a relationship that took a long time to get started, and the process of marriage can only come about after careful scrutiny. Stubbornness exists in relationships, and some stormy days can be expected. Material benefits can easily come to relationships, and security not extravagance is the key to success. Look to the house that contains Venus to see how you will deal with partnerships.

Gemini on the 8th cusp:

   Perhaps bad habits need to be changed to prevent problems with: shoulders, upper arms, breathing, nerves, asthmatic conditions, hands, fingers, sense of hearing and lungs. Because Gemini is a dual sign, you might find that you have two health complaints at the same time.

   The eighth house has to do with things that drain you physically, bad habits, obsessions, and joint financial matters. Perhaps this is where the energy is going to: Aerobics, working out, volleyball, jogging, dance, gymnastics, basketball, or tennis should keep your nerves functioning properly. Get an enthusiastic friend to help you exercise, because you love to talk while doing most anything and would enjoy the company.

   Perhaps you can use these food items to transform or renew yourself: asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, celery, carrots, spinach, oranges, peaches, plums, apricots, wild rice, grapefruit, almonds, broiled fish and shellfish, (drink) grape juice, apples, raisins, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, milk, buttermilk, and cottage cheese.

   You may also realize that by curbing or deleting these from your diet, you may actually add to your longevity: coffee and stimulants should be avoided. Herbal teas can have a calming effect. You may be inclined to eat junk food at the drop of a hat, so choose your junk food wisely.

   The eighth house deals with joint resources, possessions that are not earned directly by you, but obtained through the relationship, wills, or pensions. It also has to do with money belonging to others such as taxes, corporate money, insurance, and the stock market. The eighth house also relates to the mysteries of life and sex. Gemini will have an influence on the above matters by discussing matters "forever" until you uncover every last detail of what is before you. You always have some pretty good ideas how you should invest or spend money, and the bigger the challenge the better. Look to see which house Mercury is located in, to see where your joint money can be found.

Cancer on the 9th cusp:

    If you do any foreign travel this month, you might suffer from problems with: stomach, the breasts, digestive organs, indigestion, stomach ulcer, flatulence, bladder, coughs, gallstones, liver and intestines, or emotional disorders such as depression, hypochondria and hysteria.

   You may travel to foreign places to experience sports such as: Water sports, swimming, running, calisthenics, sailing, wind surfing, and white water rafting. Avoid any fitness program that requires you to exert yourself too much.

   As long as you are visiting someplace different, why not try dishes made with food native to the area, such as: egg yolks, whole grain rye, yogurt, beets, fish, milk, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, which are high in calcium. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, lean protein, onions, and cabbage are excellent for you as well. 

  You may want to avoid the following food that may be bad for you: Starches, sugar, and salt. There can be constipation from cheese and salt produces bloating. Spicy and highly seasoned food doesn’t sit well with your more than sensitive stomach. Be good to your digestive system this month, and it will not have to hurt you!

  The ninth house is the house of long range goals and long distance travel. Religion, philosophy and higher education are ninth house matters. With Cancer ruling the ninth house, you will be emotionally connected to areas that put the spotlight on you, especially in the areas of religion, education and promotions. You will work long and hard on causes that you believe in, and working a long distance from your home would not present any problems for you. Look to the house where the Moon is located to see where your interests in higher aspirations can be found.

Leo on the 10th cusp:

   Since this is the house of your occupation, job title, and life direction, you may decide to have more of an interest in any of these medical fields. Since it is a monthly influence, you may just want to become an authority on any of the following: the heart, back, spine, nervous tension, fever, eyes, liver and forearm.

   If you are considering a career change to the sports and exercise industry, you may have interests in these fields:  aerobic exercise, health club, exercise class, going out dancing, martial arts, kickboxing, tennis, golf, walking, Pilates, yoga, calisthenics, basketball and softball.

   If instead you are considering a career change to the grocery or produce/food industry, perhaps you may consider one of these products: whole wheat, rye products, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, lemons, peaches, coconut, rice, seafood, beets, asparagus, egg yolk, beef, lamb, poultry, liver, fresh fruit, salad greens, cheese, whole milk, and yogurt, spinach, raisins, dates, plums, pears, and oranges, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, apples.

   The tenth house is the home of worldly aspirations and attainment. This sector shows how you present yourself to the public, and deeds for which you leave behind as your legacy, or what you will be remembered for. The tenth has domain over the profession, public offices held, and your reputation. The energy of Leo here, indicates that you will be very ambitious in your search for the ideal career. Executive and leadership qualities are amplified here, as well as public recognition, and admiration for your work. This is an excellent placement for a business of your own, that puts you at the helm, with organizing being the key. Look to the house where the Sun is located to see what kind of career you might choose, or how you will be remembered.

Virgo on the 11th cusp:

   You may join forces with others in a team effort to do some research, or raise money for problems dealing with: Lower digestive track, abdominal region, large and small intestines, hands, nails, the sinuses, respiratory system and bowels.

   In the house of humanitarian efforts, working with groups of people as a team, you may organize functions having to do with the following: Tennis, racquetball, swimming, sailing, fishing, biking, meditation techniques, and walking.

   You may work on humanitarian efforts to raise money to buy food for the homeless that can include any of the following: Green vegetables, whole wheat and grain breads, oats, almonds, cheese, oranges, bananas, lemons, lean beef, lamb, yogurt, brown rice, eggs, cottage cheese, melons, apples, pears, papaya, and honey.

   The eleventh house has domain over achievement of goals and objectives, and hopes and wishes. Humanitarian efforts, clubs, groups, associations, sharing ideals are also associated with the eleventh house. People that support your efforts, friends and connections to the outside world can be found in this house. With Virgo located in the eleventh house, the focus turns to serving friends, groups and organizations. You will be somewhat detached, but work very hard for the welfare of each other, and friends. Crowds are not your forte, and your immediate friends will be few in number. Look to the house where Mercury is located to see where you might find your friends, associations and group involvement's and interests.

Libra on the 12th cusp:

   With the emphasis now on charity, volunteer work and social work, you may volunteer your time in hospitals or institutions dealing with: Lower back, kidneys, skin and ovaries are areas of concern. Problems caused by too much sugar or rich food might be a cause for concern.

   Charity, volunteer work and social work, may be spent in hospitals or institutions dealing with sports or exercise rehabilitation: Tennis, squash, calisthenics, basketball, golf, volleyball or perhaps sailing.

   You can also volunteer your time in the kitchen or food preparation center in hospitals and institutions working with: Drink lots of water and cranberry juice, strawberries, apples, raisins, almonds, asparagus, peas, corn, carrots, spinach, beets, radishes, tomatoes, wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, broiled fish, seafood, poultry, low fat cheese, yogurt, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salad greens, and whole grain bread.

   The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, problems arising from unseen causes, and limitations in our lives. This house has rulership over behind the scenes activities, emotional problems, secrets, deceptions, problems to overcome, the side of ourselves away from public view, where the soul can step back and take a look at the world around us. The twelfth house also has rulership over prisons, hospitals, and other institutions that would remove you from society. Libra energy on the twelfth house indicates you can easily become a loner, and feel that your relationships in some way can be fated right from the very beginning. Working together or with others may not work out as you want it to, and lessons in cooperation and working in harmony are the culprit. Look to the house where Venus is located to find that area in which you retire from public view.

The Sun

The placement of the Sun in the Lunar return chart is very important and affects almost every area of your life!

Sun in 11th house (FOCUS):

    The Lunar Sun is now in your 11th house. Work and cooperation with friends and groups of people through charitable endeavors become important. Socializing is highlighted and team efforts work best. You may be asked to, or join a group or association.

Additional 11th house interpretations:
     Humanitarian efforts, sudden occurrences, rebelliousness, and outrageous behavior. Dreams, concerns, political views, breaking the rules, freedom, allies, teammates, colleagues, what kind of friend you are, acquaintances, social circles, wishes, ambitions, and aspirations.

Sun conjunct Saturn:

   The Ego Out Of Control.

   Saturn rules the bones, teeth and especially the knees, hair, skin, and stomach and accidents from this planet include broken bones, sprains, dislocations, joint pain, sensitive skin, and allergies.

   Exercise that is good for the planet Saturn: Sports such as hiking, jogging, golf, or rock climbing would probably be to your liking this month.

    Eating chocolate and refined sugar is bad for you, as well as highly seasoned and spicy food because of intestinal upsets.

   You can accomplish tasks easily which will be very satisfying for you, but this is also a time of very hard work and reliable efforts. This is a time for self discipline so remember that more rest may be required. It is more than likely there will be more Capricorn contacts, but they can be cool and detached.

    This is a time of slow but sure progress and you may "feel" a bit depressed and held back from what you want to do and your vitality is likely to be on the low side. DELAYS will be experienced, so take advantage of the time given to double check and reevaluate what you are doing. Perhaps you will find an error that needs correcting and maybe that is what this month is for.

Sun opposition Uranus:

   The Ego Out Of Control.

   Uranus rules the Calves, ankles, circulation, breath, eyesight, and blood need some attention. Health complaints can include cramps, allergies, sudden illness or nervous disorders.

Exercise that is good for the planet Uranus:
    Ankles can cause some complaints this month, so use caution during dancing, gymnastics, skating, aerobics, martial arts, and skiing.

    Cut down on coffee, which can make you nervous. On the other hand you can try herbal teas to relax. Ethnic food and cuisine is great stuff, just don’t overdo it.

   Freedom is needed, sought and desired at all costs this month, especially from circumstances that have you tied down or restricted in some way. Sudden romances can begin and end just as quickly, so don't expect anything long term from it. This is an unfavorable time for any group activities. Contacts are likely to be with Aquarius people, or people who have those qualities, but not likely to be very harmonious.

   This can be a time of electrical fires, so be more aware of the hazards in your surroundings. Murphy's Law is in full effect, so if it can go wrong it will! Hold on to something and prepare for a shock in your life! This is not a good time for private negotiations because disappointments of the major kind are to be expected.

   You will experience difficulties in expressing yourself and that is hard to do with your foot in your mouth. Separations from others are possible because either of you or both need your own space. You will have the advice potential of a blind man, you won't see it, or take it.

The Moon

The placement of the Moon in the Lunar return chart affects emotions, moods, domestic affairs and relationships with women during the coming month.

Moon in 10th house (MAJOR FOCUS):

    Now, right after the Ascendant this month, the Moon is extremely important to your health, diet and well being. The Moon RULES your emotional state, and which ever way it goes, so does your diet and health. Ever been in love?????? I mean really in love?? Did you need to eat to feel whole, or was love your entire nourishment? What happened when you broke up, got divorced or weren’t getting along, and who became your new bestest friend (again)??? Food!

   Wherever the Moon is placed this month, is where you will look for love, support or emotional nourishment. The aspects to the moon this month will show you your chance of finding it. With well aspected (nourished) planets your health and quality of life thrives, but anything negative will send you off your diet and health plan into the waiting and willing arms of a lover called food!!! If you will look at the planets afflicted (difficult), it will give you some idea of how you will try to nourish yourself (food) and what you have a thirst or hunger for. Spicy and hot foods (Mars) can point to sexual desire, sweets (Venus) can indicate a need for pure love and romance.  Even in times of anger, you will turn to this willing lover (food), who never ever, ever lets you down, especially when wrongs haven’t been righted. The amount of food you eat when angry will show just how much you want to punish others or punish yourself.

    The Lunar Moon is now in your 10th house. Your career becomes highlighted during this month, as well as your relationship with your co-workers. If you have an inclination, one of these co-workers can provide a source of warmth on a cold night. The danger lies in the fact that this relationship may become highlighted and out in the public eye. Unhappy attitudes on the work front will be magnified and apparent with this placement. You may want to work by yourself rather than be involved with others. If the Lunar Moon makes stressful aspects while in the 10th house, there can be some unfavorable publicity, or matters on the home front can conflict with the career.

   Whenever your emotions get out of control, especially with the Moon located here, you should try to avoid eating chocolate and refined sugar as well as highly seasoned and spicy food because of intestinal upsets.

Additional 10th house interpretations:
     Profession, occupation, ambitions, goals, talents, satisfaction from work, your public self, status, the actual title of your job, reputation, what you are known for, strangers perceptions of you, public reputation, status, life direction, achievements, honor, dishonor, authority figures, government, politics.

Moon conjunct Venus:

    Carbohydrates, heavy, and rich foods. Choose a diet plan that allows plenty of fresh fruit, frozen yogurt and low fat toppings. Crash diets should be avoided.

   This is a wonderful month for caring for others or being less aggressive in your approach to your environment. Domestic matters will go well and poetry can be an alternative form of expression. You are in the mood for love and romance now. You will get along well with everyone, and your present circumstances in relationships will be harmonious. New relationships can begin, if there is a more powerful influence to support it. Decorating can be a pleasant form of diversion.

Moon opposition Neptune:

   Your Emotions are out of control, dictating what you eat and drink-Water retention.

   Neptune rules the feet, toes and bones of the feet. Some health complaints this month are swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, or problems with the feet. There can be vulnerabilities or sensitivity to medicines, drugs, and anesthesia.

    Cut down on table salt, for that can make you feel bloated. Coffee can over-stimulate Neptune natives and should be cut down to a bare minimum. Neptune also governs drugs, you should be careful in their use. Avoid alcohol in excess too because it will tend to dehydrate you.

   Confusion and delusions can cloud your sense of reality this month, and self destructive behavior should be excluded from your environment. Allow more time to pray or meditate. During this month it would be best to refrain from using any form of drugs or alcohol. You will find that your psychic impressions and ESP can be out of whack temporarily. There can be some overwhelming obsession to someone, perhaps a Pisces person.


The placement of Mercury in the Lunar return chart affects communication, and your ability to learn and express yourself during the coming month.

Mercury in 11th house (MAJOR FOCUS):

    They say that where the mind goes, the body follows. That is why there is a Major Focus on it every month. What you think, speak and project, even unspoken words will convince the body of your intent and act accordingly. Positive affirmation of your goals will bring positive results to your health and diet efforts. Negative thoughts and actions will bring nothing but negative results to your health and diet efforts. Look at the aspects to Mercury to find out if the influences around you this month will act to derail your efforts or strengthen them. If they are negative, look to the cause and correct them. You may not be able to change them completely, but you will be aware of what the cause is, and be prepared to work with them, instead of against them. You have the tools for success, if you don’t take them out of the tool box and put them to work, what good are they?

    Mercury is in your 11th house, and indicates areas of interests in your life this month, as well as health matters or where your thoughts are likely to be focused.

    Communication increases with friends and groups of people, younger people or people with different view points than you. Short trips increase and you may gain some sudden new insights about the world around you. If Mercury receives stressful aspects while in the 11th house, there can be ideas initiated that are impractical or you may receive some very bad advice.

Additional 11th house interpretations:
     Humanitarian efforts, friendship, sudden occurrences, rebelliousness, and outrageous behavior. Dreams, concerns, political views, breaking the rules, freedom, groups of people, allies, teammates, colleagues, what kind of friend you are, acquaintances, social circles, wishes, ambitions, aspirations and your ability to work with others on projects.

Mercury square Pluto:

   Your mind is out of sync with your body.

   The body takes its orders directly from the mind. As the mind goes, so goes the body. Influences that will either support or sabotage your health and diet efforts this month are indicated here. Hard or difficult aspects to Mercury will bring negative results and possible illness. They will HELP to show you the error of your ways, and your thought process, not to punish you with failure. Soft or easy aspects to Mercury will help, support, nurture and bring success to your efforts. Sometimes too easy an aspect will make you over-confident and not appreciate what you are doing, or what you have.

   Pluto rules the reproductive organs, bladder, prostate, colon, rectum, the vocal cords, larynx, liver, uterus, menstruation, sweat glands and the endocrine glands. Some health complaints you may have this month are headaches, infections and fevers.

   Exercise which is good for Pluto: Boxing, long-distance running, or any strenuous sport is great. The Stairmaster, weight lifting, gymnastics, jogging, or yoga combined with meditation are good for you.

    Large meals during the day and the evening meal should be light. Drink plenty of water but avoid alcohol which has a negative effect on you.

   A danger of this month is forcing your point of views on others, or just coming on too strong with your opinions. If you handle it diplomatically however, you can enlighten people around you with your views that shed light on an issue. Compulsive thinking can cause confusion and a serious frame of mind. This is a difficult time for business and no contracts or agreements should be formulated.

   Conditions are right for fraudulent misrepresentations and the possibility for THEFTS or misunderstandings is very high. This is a good time to avoid people trying to sell you anything over the phone. News concerning the death or end of a project, business or financial agreement or arrangement can occur.

Mercury trine N. Node:

    Communications increase with harmonious results this month. This is also a favorable time for public relations, advertising, short trips and contacts with the general public and it is also a very sociable time for the exchange of ideas. You have a good grasp of any situation at hand and your judgment is sound, so use it for any form of the written or oral word. Joint plans and the exchange of ideas will prosper, and the same goes for any intellectual pursuits, social or business communications.


The placement of Venus in the Lunar return chart affects romance and friendship over the coming month.

Venus in 10th house (FOCUS):

    Next in line for our Focus is lovely, seductive and beautiful Venus. Wherever Venus is located indicates where love, affection and attention can be found. Look carefully at the aspects to Venus because she can either bring love or try to hold it back. Negative aspects can also try to derail your efforts for health and diet, whereas positive aspects can help to support your efforts. Do not allow negative Venus aspects to knock you off your path to success, instead recognize that they are there, and work with them, instead of against them. Remember, every day, is NOT going to be a holiday.

    Business matters, your profession and career are highlighted. Redecorate the office, buy artwork, or find love with an older person who can be found at the workplace. Success is highlighted with the opposite sex, and people who are in authority will be very receptive to your ideas, and beneficial in rendering support to your cause. The boss might be looking pretty good right now, and a little love adventure is possible. If Venus makes a harsh aspect while in the 10th house, you might be tempted to use your status to gain favors both materially and sexually from others.

Additional 10th house interpretations:
    Profession, occupation, ambitions, goals, talents, satisfaction from work, your public self, status, the actual title of your job, reputation, what you are known for, strangers perceptions of you, public reputation, status, life direction, achievements, honor, dishonor, authority figures, government, politics.

Venus opposition Neptune:

   Neptune rules the feet, toes and bones of the feet. Some health complaints this month are swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, or problems with the feet. There can be vulnerabilities or sensitivity to medicines, drugs, and anesthesia.

Exercise Programs:
     Music, dance, biking, the stair master, treadmill, rowing machine, swimming, ice skating, canoeing, rowing, water skiing, surfing, water-aerobics classes. Step aerobic, ballet, jazz or other types of dance will be very appealing to you now. Meditative techniques, yoga and Tai Chi might help you when you are feeling funky!

     Cut down on table salt, for that can make you feel bloated. Coffee can over-stimulate Neptune natives and should be cut down to a bare minimum. Neptune also governs drugs, you should be careful in their use. Avoid alcohol in excess too because it will tend to dehydrate you.

   Be alert to possible deceptive practices in any dealings or romantic encounters this month. Be especially careful of what you wish for, you just might get it and then you have to deal with it. This is a very vulnerable time for romance or emotions so do not make permanent commitments to others.

   Relationships can easily break up under this influence. Watch out for Con Men, you may not see them coming. Meetings and appointments with women can be cancelled because of an illness and escapism through alcohol and drugs should be avoided, when they are the most adverse to the body. Get rich schemes will not go your way and most likely fail.


The placement of Mars in the Lunar return chart affects your drive, ambition, and vitality during the coming month.

Mars in 8th house:

    Next in line is the planet Mars. Mars is considered extremely aggressive and masculine. It shows where you will put tremendous energy and where you will apply that energy by house. Mars is that push that gets you going, gets you off the couch and onto the treadmill. Push too hard however, and you can meet with great resistance from all areas around you, including people, places and things. Applied in the wrong way will bring with it combative situations, arguments, tempers flaring and in some cases accidental behavior. If the Universe tells you to knock off the macho behavior (aspect wise), then take a hint and do so. If the Universe gives you a green light aspect wise, then go for it with your whole heart. Look carefully at the aspects to find out who, or what may be putting obstacles in your path, and act accordingly.

    You will encounter people who will have a very powerful effect on you at this time. Conflict and disagreement in your marriage can occur over foolish use of money, especially if money is spent helping the wrong people. Mars in the 8th brings aggressive attitudes in the sexual department. You will find this a difficult month to apply for a loan, as they can be rejected. Insurance salesmen can come out of the woodwork to haunt you and arguments can develop over taxes, insurance or inheritances can occur. Financially speaking, you can expect to hear from anyone you owe money to this month, even if you are just a little late in making a payment. If Mars forms a hard aspect while in the 8th house, there is danger of conflicts with others, or situations which can bring harm to yourself.

Additional 8th house interpretations:
    Rebirth, transformation, other peoples money, secrets, sex, mysticism, intuitiveness, renewing, rebuilding, restoring, refurbishing, limiting beliefs, bad habits, attachments that drain you physically, attachments to possessions that restrict or burden, obsessions, compulsive behavior, legacies, inheritance, insurance, alimony, taxes, loans, psychic and occult matters, and metaphysics.

Mars trine Asc.:

   You have harnessed tremendous energy now, what productive work are you going to do with it? You will be very impulsive in your actions this month because you are ready for any activity that requires physical fortitude. Without a plan though, you can grind up your gears on the starting line, all go with no show!

   There will be a longing to get a move on in any field or endeavor you choose, but at the same time learn to mind your own business and stay out of other peoples affairs. In other words no gossiping.


The placement of Jupiter in the Lunar return chart determines in what areas of your life you are likely to have opportunities for growth and expansion during the coming month.

Jupiter in 3rd house:

    Next in line we have Jupiter, planet of good fortune and expansion. Wherever Jupiter falls it likes to make things bigger, and gives resistance to letting things go back to normal shape, like the human body for instance (especially around the hip area). Whenever Jupiter takes a prominent position in the Lunar or Natal chart, weight will be easy to put on, and remain on, until the influence ends. Then and only then can things go back to normal, whatever normal is.

    An increase in contacts, travel, and communication will be on a much larger scale than you are used to. The ability to effectively say what is on your mind are highlighted. Finishing projects that have been started, generosity extended to others, being more tolerant of the opinions of others, writing interests, financial benefits that come from relatives highlight this month. You can also expect a total lack of practical thinking in any area, especially when buying a new car which is a possibility when this position is present.

    This is an excellent time for studying, teaching, lecturing and training you want to follow through on. If Jupiter makes a difficult aspect while in the 3rd house, there can be prejudiced viewpoints adopted that will need revision.

Additional 3rd house interpretations:
    Search for knowledge, short trips, community involvement, relationship to siblings, education, dexterity, curiosity, analytical skills, speaking, writing, phone calls, letters, books, papers, television, radio, data, facts, neighbors, siblings, neighborhood, merchants, trading, travel around town, trips, visits, immediate environment, judgment in making choices, and telepathy.

Jupiter opposition MC:

   Wherever Jupiter is placed by house and whatever it touches by aspect tends to benefit, receive good fortune or become larger than when it started, at least positively aspected. This can make dieting very difficult, unless you cut food intake to a system designed to try to expand itself. On the negative side, it can act to prevent good things to come to us. In either case, it will sharply increase your appetite, which is why smaller more healthy meals are suggested.


   You may be so wrapped up in your beliefs that you cannot make any changes in your life, and you will avoid or shun any social opportunities that arise. Avoid any unnecessary expenditures and new debts that can take its toll later. Trying to finish projects can seem impossible to do and you will find that you have the ambition to work very hard and significant achievement is possible if you keep your cool. The ego doesn't need any help but it gets a boost anyway this month and you may want to expand professionally but over-expansion is the danger.

   Business and finances won't do very well now, and new business ventures should not be started. Cooperation will not be easy to find from friends, the boss, government agencies or people who can have an influence on your life. Be careful not to take on too much work, it can overwhelm you especially now.

   Disagreements with your in-laws, social circles, colleges, schools and teachers can be expected.


The placement of Saturn in the Lunar return chart determines where you will encounter obstacles, difficult lessons, and where discipline will be needed in your life during the coming month.

Saturn in 11th house:

   Next up is Saturn. Saturn is the great teacher. Wherever Saturn is located by house, shows where losses, setbacks, depression, maturity, growing up or feeling gloomy can occur. Usually it is present when the time is just not right for an action or activity to occur, for whatever the reason. It is like having a credit card that always comes back "access denied". Sometimes the access is permanent, other times it is temporary in nature.

  Joint efforts and team work is emphasized now. Saturn brings you the results you have been trying to obtain but only if you have prepared well. If not, then the expectations you hoped for will be disappointing. If Saturn makes a difficult aspect while in the 11th house, there may be unclear motives regarding money and status involved in friendships and groups of people that you should be aware of.

Additional 11th house interpretations:
    Humanitarian efforts, friendship, sudden occurrences, rebelliousness, and outrageous behavior. Dreams, concerns, political views, breaking the rules, freedom, groups of people, allies, teammates, colleagues, what kind of friend you are, acquaintances, social circles, wishes, ambitions, aspirations and your ability to work with others on projects.

Saturn opposition Uranus:

   Now, Saturn brings with it a separate set of circumstances wherever it is by house and aspect. In either case, whether positive or negative aspect, it puts very strong obstacles in your path to be dealt with. It has been noted that every time there is a Saturn transit, everything comes to a screeching halt, with a big sign that seems to suggest "Access Denied!" I have also seen that anytime there is a strong Saturn presence, denying us what we want can also be protecting us from ourselves, possibly by the presence of a more wise and learned energy than ourselves, which is also a characteristic of Saturn. Diet wise, it seems to limit the need to eat, curbs the appetite and allows you to take more control of the food that you eat. On the negative side, it always slows down the digestive process dramatically. The utmost caution should be advised as to what you eat with this energy as constipation, and a bound up digestive system can take on the consistency of cement. A vegetarian diet is ideal with this energy whether transits to natal, lunar return or progression.

   There will be an inability to hear the opinions of other people and you may act in a rude manner because of your extreme restlessness. Delays that you experience this month are caused by circumstances that you cannot control and there will be frustrations with people whose ideas or viewpoints differ from yours, or you will notice that friends who are normally reliable will become somewhat indifferent and you will be aware of odd reactions to your current circumstances.

   Relationships that are strong will pass the test before it now; however relationships that are experiencing problems will either undergo change, or end.

   Heavy obligations will be imposed on you now and tensions can cause an explosive nature. The urge for freedom will not only rock your boat, but unnerve those around you whether on the domestic or career levels. A reversal of fortune is also possible with this influence. This is not a favorable time to be involved with any groups or organizations and difficulties will be found in money, legal matters, taxes, insurance and wills. In health matters the teeth may need some attention as sudden eruptions can occur.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

The placement of the 3 outer planets in the Lunar return chart indicates areas in your life that are likely to take surprising twists and turns, where idealism and illusion may enter your life, or where compulsive or extreme situations may arise in your life during the coming month.

Uranus in 5th house:

   Next in line is the planet Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, and just like a true Aquarian, Uranus, is the rebel, the non-conformist, the humanitarian and the unpredictable child. Wherever Uranus is placed by house, all bets are off for a normal existence, replaced by sudden out of the blue and whimsical behavior. No matter what the circumstance this month, it won’t be boring! It is life thrust upon us, not chosen.

    The creative faculties come along with insights of genius this month. Pursuing happiness and love relationships will be electric, different or completely upsetting. Excitement is the key here, and you will take it any way that you can get it. Investments can take a change suddenly. If Uranus makes a difficult aspect while in the 5th house, romance will be very unstable, and sudden pregnancies may have to be dealt with. There can be sudden loss through speculation, and sudden situations arise around or connected to children. Loss can come through investments as well.

Additional 5th house interpretations:
    Love affairs, speculation, games, creative expression through art, music, dance, theatrics, writing, poetry, songs, stories, athletics, or personal craftsmanship. Creating beauty, courtship, lovemaking, pastimes, concerts, dating, playing with children, parties and leisure activity.

Neptune in 4th house (FOCUS):

   One of my favorite planets is Neptune. Among the qualities it loves to bring to the party is illusion, and deception, but also imagination, illumination and inspiration (That covers all the "I" words). Psychic and intuitive aspects can emerge from our subconscious mind now, and can do so in a myriad of ways like music, art, poetry, compassion and humanitarian efforts. Remember to look at Neptune like you are in a very naughty dream that is not real, and is never going to come true. It was great at the time, but has nothing to do with reality.

    Real estate purchases or the home where you live may have problems with plumbing, liquids of any kind and leaks. YOU MAY CONSIDER PUTTING IN SOME KIND OF FILTRATION OR WATER SYSTEM THIS MONTH. Perhaps problems with water or leaks can occur underground especially if Neptune is under a hard aspect. The domestic front becomes confusing and resources or outlays in energy prove exhausting. If Neptune makes a difficult aspect while in the 4th house, responsibilities with family members can arise and problems in gas, oil or water leaks can take place.

Additional 4th house interpretations:
    Country, home, family, memories, dependence on others or others depending on you, real-estate, safety, security,   roots, tradition, loyalties, ties, domestic life, nourishment, support from others, being accepted, belonging, furnishings, meals, your subconscious memories, fears, or habits. Laundry, food, household items, daily home life, private life, and karmic conditions.

Pluto in 2nd house:

   Last in line, but not forgotten we have the planet PLUTO who is the master of digging down beneath the surface of who you are and bringing some very powerful yet subtle changes into your life. Pluto is where your OBSESSIONS can be found this month.

    Drastic changes can take place with your material possessions and income. If you allow status or material matters to hold power over you there can be losses. If Pluto makes a difficult aspect while in the 2nd house, you may attempt underhanded methods to make money or be subjected to dishonest people yourself.

Additional 2nd house interpretations:
    Self worth, values, inner creativity, talents, inner strength, determination, wealth, income, ethics, morals, integrity, priorities, conscious actions, meeting obligations, capacity for earning and spending, and acquiring material possessions.

Interaction of the Lunar Return and Natal Chart

The following influences are based on the relationship of the Lunar return to the natal chart. These influences tend to bring about changes in attitudes and your perspective on life.

Lunar Return Ascendant in Natal 4th house:

    With your Natal 4th house on the Lunar Ascendant, matters regarding living together or living arrangements will be a focus in your life. Do it yourself projects, sex in the environment and caring for or nurturing others will be issues that you face this month.

Additional 4th house influences brought into focus:
    Country, home, family, memories, dependence on others or others depending on you, real-estate, safety, security,   roots, tradition, loyalties, ties, domestic life, nourishment, support from others, being accepted, belonging, furnishings, meals, your subconscious memories, fears, or habits. Laundry, food, household items, daily home life, private life, and karmic conditions are in the spotlight.

Natal Ascendant in Lunar Return 9th house:

   With your Natal Ascendant now in the Lunar 9th house, learning about your own identity will be a very important part of your life now. You will encounter the things that help you discover your place as an individual in the greater scheme of things. The 9th house also relates to higher education, long distance and foreign travel and organized religion, and quite probably things of religious importance. Most importantly, it is where you as an individual fit this month.

Additional 9th house interpretations:
    Higher education, philosophy, religion, travel, spirituality, mysticism, journeys of the mind, psychic alignment, sense of humor, opinions, foreign ideas, foreign cultures, law and legal matters, inspiration, publishing, sports, spiritual journeys, wisdom, akashic records, consciousness expansion.


    Copyright © 1982-2008, Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc. ~ Updated Monday, September 14, 2009 3:28 PM