Julie Rader MA
— Yoga Teacher

We are fortunate to have our Yoga for Early Risers sessions led by people who have a wealth of training and experience in guiding us to a healing, uplifting and inspiring attunement to start our day. We are delighted to introduce you to Julie.
Julie Rader has been teaching yoga and meditation for over two decades. Her mother taught her the power of meditation when she was a teenager, which is the foundation of all of her teachings. She has dedicated her life to studying and understanding the power of the mind through meditation. Julie studied Kriya Yoga under Swami Janakandana and spent 33 days without talking, reading or writing. The time in silence was profound and expanded her mind and intuition. She continued her study of Meditation and Pranayama in India at the Bihar School of Yoga.
Julie’s yoga classes combine solid alignment with an intuitive teaching method that weaves the ancient wisdom of yoga into everyday life. Her classes allow students to tap into their highest potential through breath, body movement and stillness. Her intuitive, creative and specific sequencing focuses on matching asana and intention with lunar cycles, seasons, and astrology. Julie’s classes have been described as “sneaky” because students reach a deep meditative state in the flow but often wake up sore the next day.
With a Master Degree in exercise physiology and a Bachelor in Psychology, Julie helps students marry the spiritual aspects of the practice with solid anatomical principles. In addition to her public classes, she is also a passionate teacher of elite athletes, including the US National teams for volleyball, soccer, and cycling.
Julie founded Mukti Yoga School in 2004 and has certified many popular teachers worldwide. She has taught over 30,000 hours of yoga to teacher trainees, celebrities, athletes, corporations, and students.
Her favorite role in life is being a mother to her little yogis, Samson and Olina. Julie is in awe of how much her children teach her about mindfulness every day.
For more information about Julie Rader, contact information, and services, visit her website at: