November / December 2024
The sale starts today and ends on December 31, 2024

Ready for unbeatable deals? We're excited to offer exclusive discounts on our top-rated products! Whether you're looking to upgrade your essentials or treat yourself to something special, now’s the perfect time to shop.

Hurry — these offers won’t last long!
Don’t miss out on the chance to grab the
best at amazing prices.

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Cosmic Patterns

End of year report sale

Report Option Super Sale
30% Discount

Requires Pegasus, Kepler, or Sirius. These Astrology Report options offer a more in-depth analysis of your chart, with interpretations that focus on specific areas or issues not covered in the standard Kepler or Sirius reports.


Sale ends ends December 31, 2024.

Price You Save 30% Your Price
General Natal Report Any Language
    Alpha Imprints $150 $45 $105 Info ›
    Indra $300 $90 $210 Info ›
    Merlin $150 $45 $105 Info ›
Specialized Natal Report
    Adult Report (Advanced Forecast) $200 $60 $140 Info ›
    Chakra Healing $150 $45 $105 Info ›
    Child Report $150 $45 $105 Info ›
    KiddieGram $150 $45 $105 Info ›
    Chiron and Asteroid Report $150 $45 $105 Info ›
    Galactic Report $150 $45 $105 Info ›
    The Iris Asteroid Report $200 $60 $140 Info ›
    Midpoint Weighting Analysis $180 $54 $126 Info ›
Chinese Report
    The New Astrology (Advanced Forecast) $225 $67.50 $157.50 Info ›
    Chinese Astrology Profile $225 $67.50 $157.50 Info ›
Integrated Report
    Jupiter''s Promise (Advanced Forecast) $175 $52.50 $122.50 Info ›
    Saturn’s Promise $175 $52.50 $122.50 Info ›

To place the sale order follow the steps below:

1. Click on the report Info ›. This will open the report web page.

2. Click on the Purchase button. This will open

3. Look for The Report you are buying, then click on the radio button next to it to select it.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page then click on "Continue".
    You will then be prompted to enter the credit card information.

5. Fill out the form then at the end of the form in the "Special Instructions" box,
    type the discount code: ROSS12312024

6. Click on "Submit Order".


Matrix Software

End of year report sale

Win☆Writer Pro Reports
30% Discount

We offer a selection of 12 professional report writers for you to choose from. All reports are compatible with the Win☆Writer platform, which you'll receive at no extra cost with the purchase of any Win☆Writer Report.


Sale ends ends December 31, 2024.

Price You Save 30% Your Price
Natal Reports
    Astro☆Talk $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    The Sky Within $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    Heaven Knows What $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
Advanced Natal Reports
    The Jupiter Report $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    Just for Women $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    Past Lives $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
Forecasting Reports
    The Birthday Report $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    TimeLine $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    Life Progressions $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    Lunar Return $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
Relocation and Midpoint Reports
    Astro*Carto*Graphy $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›
    Midpoint Keys $179.96 $53.98 $125.97 Info ›

To place the sale order follow the steps below:

1. Click on the report Info ›. This will open the report web page.

2. Click on the Purchase button. This will open

3. Look for The Report you are buying, then click on the radio button next to it to select it.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page then click on "Continue".
    You will then be prompted to enter the credit card information.

5. Fill out the form then at the end of the form in the "Special Instructions" box,
    type the discount code: WWPSS12312024

6. Click on "Submit Order".


Student Discount on the Sirius Program

$100 off on Sirius

Students, it's your time to shine! Take advantage of our exclusive Sirius Student Discount and access advanced astrological software at a fraction of the price. Whether you're studying astrology or just starting your journey, Sirius offers powerful tools and features to deepen your knowledge and enhance your practice. Don’t miss out on this incredible offer – empower your studies with Sirius and save today!


Requirements: To claim your student discount, simply send us a copy of your most recent tuition fee payment receipt. This discount is available to all students, regardless of your field of study or institution — you're enrolled in a school, college, or university, anywhere in the world. It doesn't have to be an astrology school!


Star Guidance: Personal Vibrational Astrology Forecast

Order your Personalized Vibrational Astrology Forecast!

This report is written by David Cochrane, the leader and
the founder of Vibrational Astrology.

In Vibrational Astrology (VA) the astrology chart is seen as containing a beautiful and intricate tapestry of different vibrations. Rather than just a few aspects like the trine, square, sextile, and a few others, the astrology chart is more like a kaleidoscope, intricately woven fabric, mosaic pattern, or mandala. The Vibrational Astrology Forecast traces the threads of the tapestry that is woven by the interaction of the transiting planets and the natal planets, and interprets the strongest patterns woven by these threads at different times.

The strongest planetary configurations of three planets formed by combining transiting planets and natal planets at a given time are interpreted. Each interpretation consists of two parts. The first part is an interpretation of the 3-planet combination. The second part is one line and is similar to this: Applied to achieve something with energy and intention.

Click here to Order your Personalized Report



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Thank You

Thank you once again for your unwavering support! In these challenging times, we are truly fortunate to have something meaningful to guide us, Astrology! To share this passion with one another and grow together is a gift. Our heartfelt wishes go out to you, your families, and all those you hold dear, for safety, fulfillment, and a life filled with purpose and joy.

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Team


Cosmic Patterns Software, INC. ® 2023

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