The Fixed Stars Report
by Tara Cochrane


Michael Jordan

February 17, 1963
1:40 PM
Brooklyn, N.Y.C., NY

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Standard time,   Time Zone 5 hours West
Latitude: 40 N 38  
Longitude: 73 W 56  

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Report and Text Copyright 2009 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
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This report interprets conjunctions of nearly every fixed star that has been given an astrological name to the planets, Asc, MC, 7th house cusp, and 4th cusp. Each interpretation given in this report is based on extensive research on the historical astrological meanings and myths associated with the fixed stars.

A list of notable people who have the same conjunction aspect as you do is also given.

This comprehensive analysis of the influence of the fixed stars combined with a list of notable people who also have this aspect provides you with extensive information, and hopefully astrologers who use this report can use this information to develop an even more refined and clearer understanding of the meaning of every fixed stars.

Interpretations of the Fixed Stars

Moon conjunct Antares,  Orb: 0 deg 46 min

Tempestuous and passionate emotions are indicated. A highly charismatic, potent and intense persona may develop. There may be a tendency to become belligerent, obstinate or confrontational. An astute intellect is also denoted, as is the desire to investigate obscure, mysterious and/or unpleasant subjects. Pursuits related to strategy, guardianship, willpower, physical or mental fortitude and conflict are favored. Powerful instincts and urges may lead to creative genius and/or worldly power.

According to Robson, "Popular, broad-minded, interested in philosophy, science and metaphysics, liable to change religious opinions, influential friends, favorable for business and domestic matters, active in local affairs, great power, honor and wealth. . . If in 1st of 10th houses honors and preferment but many dangers and calamities".

Antares is Alpha Scorpii, the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio. The name Antares is a compound of the Greek ant, meaning "against" and Ares, or "God of War/Mars". This star is red in color, like the planet Mars. These two celestial bodies were imagined by Ptolemy and others to be both similar in essence and in competition with one another. In other words,  Antares is the "Anti-Mars".

Antares was referred to as  Kalb al Akrab in Arabia and Cor Scorpii in Greece and Rome, both of which translate to "the Heart of the Scorpion". It was known to the ancient Copts as Kharthian, or "the Heart". This star may signify the quintessence of the power of Scorpio. In ancient Egyptian astronomy, Antares denoted the  presence of the Scorpion Goddess Serket, a deity of the medical and funerary arts, protector of the dead and patron of many Pharaohs.

Ancient Euphratean titles for Antares include Bilu-sha-ziri, or "Lord of the Seed", and Kak-shisa, meaning "Creator of Prosperity". In China Antares is known as Who Sing, the "Fire Star", and is thought to protect from harm by fire.

Antares is also at the heart of the asterism designating the nakshatra, or Vedic Lunar Mansion, of Jyeshta. Jyeshta means "the Eldest", and is traditionally symbolized by a round earring or amulet, signifying an achievement of status. Another symbol for Jyesha is an umbrella, signifying protection. Jyeshta's ruling deity is Indra, the mighty King of the Gods. Authority, seniority and protection are the main themes of this lunar station.

Antares was among the Four Royal Stars acknowledged by the ancient Persians. These four stars (the others are Aldebaran, Formalhaut and Regulus) marked the four directions as well as the solstices and equinoxes. Antares, the Watcher of the West, was allied with the Autumnal Equinox. The Four Royal Stars later became associated with Archangels. The Archangel Uriel (also spelled Oriel or Auriel), also called the Watcher of the West, is representative of Antares. It is fitting that in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's translation of The Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine, Uriel is portrayed as the spirit of the planet Mars, which rules Scorpio and is related to Antares.

Antares was also one of the fifteen Behenian fixed stars listed by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in his text De Occulta Philosophia. These stars were considered by Medieval astrologer/magicians in Europe and Arabia to be potent sources of power. The name Behenian derives from the Arabic word bahman, or "Root", as these stars were perceived as points of origin for the essences of the planets. In this text Agrippa associates Antares not with Mars, but with Venus and Jupiter.

Of the astrological influence of Antares Robson states, "According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter. Alvidas gives Jupiter sextile Venus. . .. It makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy." Ebertin agrees that Mars is the planet most similar in essence to Antares, but adds that the powers of Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter are present as well. Ebertin goes on to assert that, "Antares makes people tough, belligerent, and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel, and is said to convey mental alertness, strategic ability and courage to make dare-devils, especially if tied up with the Meridian, Ascendant, Sun or Jupiter."

As for the legend surrounding larger constellation of Scorpio, it is representative of the mythical scorpion which defeated the hunter Orion. Different variations on this tale credit such goddesses as Hera, Artemis and Gaia with invoking the Scorpion's wrath against the hunter. The constellations of Scorpio and Orion are in opposition to each other along the ecliptic, as if perpetually chasing and fleeing one another. The association of this constellation with the venomous scorpion has a long history. The Akkadians knew it as Girtab, which translates to "Stinger", "Seizer", or "Place Where One Bows Down".

In China, however, this constellation was known as the Azure Dragon, a benevolent creature very different from the scorpion. The Azure Dragon was associated with the east, the season of spring, and new beginnings.

According to Robson, Scorpio corresponds to the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Oin (Ayin) and the 16th Tarot Trump, "The Lighting Struck Tower" (also called "The House of God"). It is worth noting that Antares, the Heart of Scorpio, is the 16th brightest star in the sky. The number 16 is a double of 8 and indeed Scorpio is thought of as the 8th constellation, and corresponds to the 8th house. Antares is included in the 16th manzil, or Arabic Lunar Mansion, Al Kalb. Al Kalb means "The Heart". According to Robson, Al Kalb "causes discord, sedition, conspiracy against princes and rulers, and revenge from enemies, but frees captives and helps building". These themes of tumult and upheaval are also implied in the 16th Tarot Trump, "The Lighting Struck Tower".

 Chapin, Harry  Orb = 0°19'
 Chevalier, Maurice  Orb = 0°26'
 Gauquelin, Michel  Orb = 0°57'
 Huxley, Thomas  Orb = 0°10'
 Jordan, Michael  Orb = 0°56'
 Marlowe, Christopher   Orb = 0°20'
 Picasso, Pablo  Orb = 0°06'
 Spitz, Mark  Orb = 0°23'
 Woodward, Bob  Orb = 0°47'

Moon conjunct Kuma-1,  Orb: 0 deg 12 min

Great personal charismatic and creative power is indicated. Tremendous motivation, focus and willpower may be harnessed to achieve ambitious goals. A serious demeanor, burning inner passions, and a deeply contemplative nature may manifest. There may be an inability to interact with others in a superficial manner. Intimate relationships with family and friends figure prominently in life, and there is a tendency to defend these loved ones fiercely. Strong instincts leading to impulsive actions are also denoted.

Kuma 1 in Nu 1 Draconis in the constellation of Draco, the Dragon. The origin of the name Kuma is obscure. It may be derived from the Latin coma, meaning "Hair of the Head", as this star resides in the head of the celestial dragon.

In the ancient world hair was symbolic of an individual's spirit and vitality. In classical Greece, when a person died, a lock of their hair was removed to release their spirit. In this context, Kuma may contain the most potent reservoir of  Draco's formidable power.

In ancient Arabia, the constellation of Draco was perceived as a group of mother camels protecting their young from encroaching carnivores who sought to devour them. Kuma was counted among the stars representing the mother camels. A courageous and protective nature may thus be inferred regarding the nature of this star.

In other ancient civilizations, the constellation of Draco was seen as a powerful and fearsome entity. The Egyptians associated it with Tawaret, whose name means "Great One". This hippopotamus-headed goddess, sometimes pictured with the back of a crocodile and legs of a lioness, presided over pregnancy and childbirth as well as all forms of protection. There is a clear thematic correlation between Tawaret's ferocious motherly instinct and that of the mother camels.

In Babylon, Draco was associated with Tiamat, the great serpent goddess of primordial chaos, whose name may mean "Life Mother". In early Hindu worship, the constellation was know as Shi-Shu-Mara, or "the Alligator". In Persia it was Azdeha, "the Man Eating Serpent".

In Classical times Draco was associated with many serpentine monsters. Most commonly it corresponded to Ladon, the dragon who guarded Hera's tree of Golden Apples in the Garden of the Hesperides. Ladon was murdered by Heracles, who stole the Golden Apples as the eleventh of his twelve Heroic Labors. The Classical image of Ladon wrapped around the apple tree has been linked to the Biblical Garden of Eden myth, in which the Serpent tempts Eve with an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, leading to the Fall of Man.

Regarding the astrological significance of this constellation, Robson states, "According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Mars. Draco gives an artistic and emotional yet somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends. . .By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump, Death."

 Archer, Anne     Orb = 0°34'
 Caldwell, Erskine     Orb = 0°56'
 Chapin, Harry    Orb = 0°52'
 Chevalier, Maurice    Orb = 0°05'
 Daguerre, Louis   Orb = 0°43'
 Huxley, Thomas    Orb = 0°21'
 Marlowe, Christopher    Orb = 0°05'
 Nietzsche, Friedrich    Orb = 0°55'
 Picasso, Pablo    Orb = 0°26'

Moon conjunct Kuma-2,  Orb: 0 deg 08 min

Great personal charismatic and creative power is indicated. Tremendous motivation, focus and willpower may be harnessed to achieve ambitious goals. A serious demeanor, burning inner passions, and a deeply contemplative nature may manifest. There may be an inability to interact with others in a superficial manner. Intimate relationships with family and friends figure prominently in life, and there is a tendency to defend these loved ones fiercely. Strong instincts leading to impulsive actions are also denoted.

Kuma 2 in Nu 2 Draconis in the constellation of Draco, the Dragon. The origin of the name Kuma is obscure. However, it is our opinion that Kuma may be a derivation of the Latin coma, meaning "Hair of the Head", as this star resides in the head of the celestial dragon.

In the ancient world hair was symbolic of an individual's spirit and vitality. In classical Greece, when a person died, a lock of their hair was removed to release their spirit. In this context, Kuma may contain the most potent reservoir of  Draco's formidable power.

In ancient Arabia, the constellation of Draco was perceived as a group of mother camels protecting their young from encroaching carnivores who sought to devour them. Kuma was counted among the stars representing the mother camels. A courageous and protective nature may thus be inferred regarding the nature of this star.

In other ancient civilizations, the constellation of Draco was seen as a powerful and fearsome entity. The Egyptians associated it with Tawaret, whose name means "Great One". This hippopotamus-headed goddess, sometimes pictured with the back of a crocodile and legs of a lioness, presided over pregnancy and childbirth as well as all forms of protection. There is a clear thematic correlation between Tawaret's ferocious motherly instinct and that of the mother camels.

In Babylon, Draco was associated with Tiamat, the great serpent goddess of primordial chaos, whose name may mean "Life Mother". In early Hindu worship, the constellation was know as Shi-Shu-Mara, or "the Alligator". In Persia it was Azdeha, "the Man Eating Serpent".

In Classical times Draco was associated with many serpentine monsters. Most commonly it corresponded to Ladon, the dragon who guarded Hera's tree of Golden Apples in the Garden of the Hesperides. Ladon was murdered by Heracles, who stole the Golden Apples as the eleventh of his twelve Heroic Labors. The Classical image of Ladon wrapped around the apple tree has been linked to the Biblical Garden of Eden myth, in which the Serpent tempts Eve with an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, leading to the Fall of Man.

Regarding the astrological significance of this constellation, Robson states, "According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Mars. Draco gives an artistic and emotional yet somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends. . .By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump, Death."

 Alighieri, Dante   Orb = 0°58'
 Archer, Anne    Orb = 0°29'
 Caldwell, Erskine    Orb = 0°52'
 Chapin, Harry    Orb = 0°56'
 Chevalier, Maurice   Orb = 0°10'
 Daguerre, Louis    Orb = 0°38'
 Huxley, Thomas      Orb = 0°25'
 Marlowe, Christopher    Orb = 0°10'
 Nietzsche, Friedrich    Orb = 0°51'
 Picasso, Pablo    Orb = 0°31'

Mercury conjunct Alshain,  Orb: 0 deg 45 min

An individual with a commanding presence and an indomitable will is denoted. Austere, pragmatic, venturesome and logical qualities may manifest. Concepts of honor and loyalty figure prominently in life. Excellent observational and organizational skills are indicated. There may be a willingness to take risks as well as an inclination towards arrogance. Strategic, combative and intellectual pursuits are favored.

Alshain is Beta Aquilae in the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle. The name Alshain comes from the Persian word for this constellation, Shahin, meaning "Royal Falcon".

Alshain is included in the nakshatra, or Vedic Lunar Mansion, of Shravana. Shravana means "Hearing" and is commonly symbolized by an ear. It is ruled by the god Vishnu, the Preserver, who maintains all life. This nakshatra is associated with listening and learning, organization, maturity, contemplation, endurance and seeking knowledge. A symbol commonly associated with Shravana is the Sacred Fig tree, or Bo Tree (Ficus religiosa). This is the kind of tree under which Siddhartha Gautama supposedly attained Enlightenment.

The constellation of Aquila represents the eagle who assisted Zeus, the mighty King of the Gods. This eagle carried Zeus' weapons of choice, his thunderbolts. Aquila was also Zeus' messenger and performed deeds such as pecking out the liver of Prometheus each day as punishment for bringing fire to the human race. Aquila is famous in Classical myth for capturing Ganymede (Aquarius) and bringing him to Mount Olympus to serve as cup-bearer of the gods. It is from Aquila that the iconic eagle adorning the flags and crests of so many nations originated. This eagle is symbolic of the attributes of pride, power, watchfulness, majesty, valor and victory. It is seen as a war-like bird and is often associated with military conquest. In India, the constellation of Aquila is known as Garuda. Garuda is an anthropomorphic eagle entity who assists the god Vishnu in an identical fashion to Aquila's service to Zeus.

Robson states that "According to Ptolemy, the influence of Aquila is similar to that of Mars and Jupiter. It is said to give great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind and ability for chemical research. It has always been associated with the sign Scorpio, and by the Kabalists with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump, The Lovers."

 Harrison, William Henry  Orb = 0°49'
 Jordan, Michael  Orb = 0°35'
 Lemmon, Jack  Orb = 0°49'
 Marley, Bob  Orb = 0°14'
 Pasternak, Boris  Orb = 0°03'
 Reynolds, Burt  Orb = 0°27'
 Rubinstein, Artur  Orb = 0°17'
 Springer, Jerry  Orb = 0°07'
 Zorina, Vera  Orb = 0°59'

Mercury conjunct Dabih,  Orb: 0 deg 53 min

Intelligence, creativity, perseverance, autonomy and productivity are indicated. There may be a desire to communicate with others and participate in worldly affairs. A triumphant and victorious attitude in adverse circumstances is possible,  as is the ability to reinvent oneself. An interest in exploration and innovation may develop.

According to Robson, " Reserved. . . self-centered, prominent position in public affairs or companies, favorable for gain. . .peculiar home conditions."

Dabih is Beta Capricorni in the constellation of Capricorn, the Sea Goat. The name Dabih is derived from the Arabic Al Sa'd al Dhabih, meaning "the Lucky Star of the Slaughterer". This is also the name of the 20th manzil, or Arabic lunar mansion, with which this star is associated. Al Sa'd al Dhabih refers to the ancient Arabic ceremonial sacrifices which were performed at the helical rising of Capricorn. The rising of this star in particular signaled the beginning of a winter solstice ritual equivalent to the ancient Greek Chronia, the Roman Saturnalia or Sol Invictus Celebration, the Japanese Amaterasu Celebration, the Nordic Midvinterblot, the Jewish Tekufat Tebet/Hanukkah, the Northern European Yule or the Christian Christmas. The desire to celebrate the return of longer and warmer days after the darkest night of the year, often allegorized as the rebirth of a deity equated with the Sun, seems to be a universal human urge. Thus Dabih is associated with the themes inherent to these winter solstice festivals; the victory of light over darkness and the celebration of continued survival.

Dabih is paired with its neighbor Alshat, meaning "the Sheep". Dabih is typically perceived as the slaughtering priest, and Alshat as the sacrificial animal.

In China Dabih was associated with the lunar mansion Keen Nieu, the Ox. Allen asserts that this asterism was "intimately connected in religious worship with the rearing of the silkworm". Silk production in China dates back to the 27th Century BCE and was for many centuries an essential export and a staple of the economy. The trade of this material connected China to the rest of the world. Chinese silk has been found in the wrappings of Egyptian mummies dating back to at least the year 1070 BCE. Due to the affiliation of Dabih with the phenomenon of silk, an emphasis on ingenuity, craftsmanship, trade of goods and ideas, and subsequent success may be implied. This unique process of producing fine fabric from the excretions of worms is not unlike the metaphor of the lotus flower ascending from the murky pond. A transformation of substance from the coarse and mundane to the sublime is visible in these operations. The change from worm to silk and mud to lotus reflects the triumphant quality of the resurrection of the Sun God at the winter solstice.

The constellation of Capricorn, which includes Dabih, is said to represent the "Sea Goat", or goat with the tail of a fish, into which the Greek god Pan transformed when he jumped into the Nile River to escape the wrath of the monster Typhon. Pan is the god of woodlands and of wild animals as well as animal instincts. His name literally translates to "All".

In another Classical interpretation of this constellation, the goat pictured is Amalthea, the Goat Goddess that cared for the infant Zeus in a remote cave while the young god was being hidden from his father Cronos, who sought to destroy him. Amalthea means "Tender Goddess", and symbolizes caring, nourishment, and protection from harm. Zeus, the King of the Gods, began his life in the care of a goat, just as the earth begins it's yearly cycle around the sun at the advent of the sign of Capricorn.

On the nature of the stars of Capricorn, Robson quotes Ptolemy: "The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus; those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter."

On the nature of Dabih specifically, Robson states: "According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus; and to Alvidas of Uranus and Saturn conjoined in square to Mercury."

 Aldrin, Buzz  Orb = 0°14'
 Arnold, Benedict    Orb = 0°01'
 Bose, Subhas Chandra   Orb = 0°37'
 Dixon, Jeane   Orb = 0°17'
 Lemmon, Jack   Orb = 0°49'
 Liebert, Ottmar   Orb = 0°09'
 London, Jack   Orb = 0°42'
 Tate, Sharon    Orb = 0°30'

Mercury conjunct Prima Giedi,  Orb: 0 deg 36 min

Intelligence, creativity, enthusiasm, a productive nature, a triumphant and victorious attitude in adverse circumstances,  the ability to reinvent oneself, and an interest in exploration and innovation are predominant characteristics. A wildly imaginative and instinctual nature tempered by pragmatism is possible. Some personal sacrifices may be made throughout life for the greater good. There may also be a strong inclination to contribute something lasting and monumental to the world.

According to Robson, "Romantic, psychic, vacillating. . ."

Prima Giedi (also known as Giedi Prima or simply Giedi) is Alpha 1 Capricorni in the constellation of Capricorn, the Sea Goat. Along with its close neighbor Giedi Secunda (Alpha 2 Capricorni), this star was known as Algedi, a word derived from the Arabic Al Jady, or "the Goat".

Prima Giedi has also been called Dabih, although this title typically designates Beta Capricorni. Alpha and Beta Capricorni comprise the manzil, or Arabic lunar asterism, Al Sa'd al Dhabih, meaning "the Lucky Star of the Slaughterer". Al Sa'd al Dhabih refers to the ancient Arabic ceremonial sacrifices which were performed at the helical rising of Capricorn. The rising of the stars in the head of the celestial Goat signaled the beginning of a winter solstice ritual equivalent to the ancient Greek Chronia, the Roman Saturnalia or Sol Invictus Celebration, the Japanese Amaterasu Celebration, the Nordic Midvinterblot, the Jewish Tekufat Tebet/Hanukkah, the Northern European Yule or the Christian Christmas. The desire to celebrate the return of longer and warmer days after the darkest night of the year, often allegorized as the rebirth of a deity equated with the Sun, seems to be a universal human urge. Thus Prima Giedi is associated with the themes inherent to these winter solstice festivals; the victory of light over darkness and the celebration of continued survival.

This star was also included in the Akkadian asterism Uz, "the Goat", and the Babylonian asterism Qarnu Shahu, or "the Horn of the Goat". Goats are generally known to for their curious, intelligent, brave, adventurous, enduring, tenacious and playful natures. These characteristics may relate to the influence of Prima Giedi as well.

Allen notes that this star was associated in ancient Sumer with a ruler named Amar-Sin. This king was noted in his time for many ambitious architectural projects, including work on the ziggarut at Eridu, a building some scholars have linked to the legendary Tower of Babel.

Robson states of Prima Giedi, "According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus and Mars; to Simmonite, of Venus and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Uranus in sextile to Venus. It gives beneficence, sacrifice, and offering."

The greater constellation of Capricorn is said to represent the "Sea Goat", or goat with the tail of a fish, into which the Greek god Pan transformed when he jumped into the Nile River to escape the wrath of the monster Typhon. Pan is the god of woodlands and of wild animals as well as animal instincts. His name literally translates to "All".

In another Classical interpretation of this constellation, the goat pictured is Amalthea, the Goat Goddess that cared for the infant Zeus in a remote cave while the young god was being hidden from his father Cronos, who sought to destroy him. Amalthea means "Tender Goddess", and symbolizes caring, nourishment, and protection from harm. Zeus, the King of the Gods, began his life in the care of a goat, just as the earth begins it's yearly cycle around the sun at the advent of the sign of Capricorn.

On the nature of the stars of Capricorn, Robson quotes Ptolemy: "The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus; those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter."

 Aldrin, Edward "Buzz"    Orb = 0°02'
 Arnold, Benedict   Orb = 0°17'
 Auel, Jean    Orb = 0°49'
 Bose, Subhas Chandra    Orb = 0°20'
 Dixon, Jeane   Orb = 0°
 Giscard D'Estaing, Valery   Orb = 0°30'
 Jordan, Michael    Orb = 0°46'
 Lemmon, Jack    Orb = 0°32'
 Liebert, Ottmar   Orb = 0°08'
 London, Jack   Orb = 0°59'
 Reynolds, Burt    Orb = 0°54'
 Sagal, Katey     Orb = 0°24'
 Tate, Sharon    Orb = 0°46'

Mercury conjunct Secunda Giedi,  Orb: 0 deg 41 min

Intelligence, creativity, enthusiasm, a productive nature, a triumphant and victorious attitude in adverse circumstances,  the ability to reinvent oneself, and an interest in exploration and innovation are predominant characteristics. A wildly imaginative and instinctual nature tempered by pragmatism is possible.

Secunda Giedi (also known as Giedi Secunda) is Alpha 2 Capricorni in the constellation of Capricorn, the Sea Goat. Along with its close neighbor Prima Giedi (Alpha 1 Capricorni), this star was known as Algedi, a word derived from the Arabic Al Jady, or "the Goat".

Alpha and Beta Capricorni comprise the manzil, or Arabic lunar asterism, Al Sa'd al Dhabih, meaning "the Lucky Star of the Slaughterer". Al Sa'd al Dhabih refers to the ancient Arabic ceremonial sacrifices which were performed at the helical rising of Capricorn. The rising of the stars in the head of the celestial Goat signaled the beginning of a winter solstice ritual equivalent to the ancient Greek Chronia, the Roman Saturnalia or Sol Invictus Celebration, the Japanese Amaterasu Celebration, the Nordic Midvinterblot, the Jewish Tekufat Tebet/Hanukkah, the Northern European Yule or the Christian Christmas. The desire to celebrate the return of longer and warmer days after the darkest night of the year, often allegorized as the rebirth of a deity equated with the Sun, seems to be a universal human urge. Thus Prima Giedi is associated with the themes inherent to these winter solstice festivals; the victory of light over darkness and the celebration of continued survival.

This star was also included in the Akkadian asterism Uz, "the Goat", and the Babylonian asterism Qarnu Shahu, or "the Horn of the Goat". Goats are generally known to for their curious, intelligent, brave, adventurous, enduring, tenacious and playful natures. These characteristics may relate to the influence of Secunda Giedi as well.

The greater constellation of Capricorn is said to represent the "Sea Goat", or goat with the tail of a fish, into which the Greek god Pan transformed when he jumped into the Nile River to escape the wrath of the monster Typhon. Pan is the god of woodlands and of wild animals as well as animal instincts. His name literally translates to "All".

In another Classical interpretation of this constellation, the goat pictured is Amalthea, the Goat Goddess that cared for the infant Zeus in a remote cave while the young god was being hidden from his father Cronos, who sought to destroy him. Amalthea means "Tender Goddess", and symbolizes caring, nourishment, and protection from harm. Zeus, the King of the Gods, began his life in the care of a goat, just as the earth begins it's yearly cycle around the sun at the advent of the sign of Capricorn.

On the nature of the stars of Capricorn, Robson quotes Ptolemy: "The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus; those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter." This star resides in the horns of the sea goat, so according to Ptolemy it is similar to Venus and Mars in its influence.

 Aldrin, Edward "Buzz"    Orb = 0°04'
 Arnold, Benedict     Orb = 0°13'
 Auel, Jean    Orb = 0°44'
 Bose, Subhas Chandra    Orb = 0°25'
 Giscard D'Estaing, Valery    Orb = 0°25'
 Jordan, Michael    Orb = 0°51'
 Lemmon, Jack     Orb = 0°37'
 Liebert, Ottmar    Orb = 0°02'
 London, Jack    Orb = 0°53'
 Reynolds, Burt    Orb = 0°59'
 Sagal, Katey    Orb = 0°29'
 Stanley, Henry Morton     Orb = 0°48'
 Tate, Sharon    Orb = 0°41'

Venus conjunct Alfecca Meridiana,  Orb: 0 deg 26 min

Emotional, intuitive, introspective, gentle and secretive characteristics are indicated. Abstract or  non-linear thought, unconventional yet effective problem-solving skills, and comfort with unseen forces may be areas of strength. Creativity and originality and are also likely. An inventive and imaginative nature may manifest.

Alfecca Meridiana is Alpha Coronae Australis in the constellation of Corona Australis, the Southern Crown. The word Alfecca is derived from the Arabic Al Fakkah, meaning "the Dish". The circular pattern of this faint constellation has been interpreted as a dish as well as a crown. Meridiana is Latin for "the Middle".

In ancient Arabia Corona Australis was also known as Al Kubbah, a phrase which Allen claims translates to "literally the Tortoise, but secondarily the Women's Tent". Similarly, in China this constellation is known as Pe, "the Tortoise".

Tortoises suggested natural order, peace and wisdom in ancient China. Stone tortoises supporting the pillars of imperial Chinese tombs symbolized the divine Tortoise Ao, a creature credited with the Atlas-like task of supporting the world on his shell. The legend of a world-supporting tortoise is also evidenced in several American Indian religious traditions. In both China and America, tortoises denoted protection, harmony, endurance, patience, calmness and long life. In China they were associated with the north, the element water, the moon, the winter, the color black, and femininity. Presumably the tortoise's retreat into it's shell was thought to reflect the sun's yearly retreat in the winter as well as all hidden, quiet, internalized and intuitive activities. The secondary meaning ascribed to Al Kubbah, the Women's Tent,  seems to imply similar connotations. These themes may be relevant to the astrological influence of Alfecca Meridiana.

Classical myth reveals the notion that Coronae Australis was placed in the sky by Dionysus/Bacchus in honor of his mother Semele. Semele was a mortal priestess dedicated to Zeus, the King of the Gods. Zeus often observed her in his temple and was stricken by her beauty and grace. The woman and the god soon began a love affair, which was discovered by jealous Hera, Queen of the Gods. Hera disguised herself as an old woman, and befriended Semele. Semele confided in Hera that her lover was none other than Zeus himself. Hera craftily planted the seeds of doubt in her mind, eventually convincing her to persuade Zeus to show her his true form. The brilliance of the god's divine radiance immolated human Semele, who was at the time pregnant with Zeus' child. The fetal Dionysus was rescued from the flames and sewn into Zeus' thigh, from which he was born, thus making him "the twice born god". According to some versions of the legend Dionysus rescued his mother from the underworld, and she ascended to Mount Olympus to live in the immortal realm of the gods. Her presence was acknowledged by the ecstatic worshippers of Dionysus.

The Dionysian religion exemplified worship of the most primal, non-linear, intuitive, sensual and unrestrained variety. In this way,  Semele's womb may be analogous to shell of the Tortoise who carries the world on his back; it is a dark place of pure feeling and primordial energy from which all form emerges. Natives of Alfecca Meridiana may have an innate comfort with the emotional, intuitive and mysterious aspects of human experience, making them highly creative, original, and exploratory in their thoughts and actions.

Of the influence of Corona Australis Robson states, "According to Ptolemy the bright stars are like Saturn and Jupiter. It is said to bring unforeseen troubles, but to give a position of authority".

 Aquino, Corazon   Orb = 0°11'
 Diamond, Neil   Orb = 0°46'
 Gandhi, Indira   Orb = 0°44'
 Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich   Orb = 0°23'
 Hofmann, Albert    Orb = 0°29'
 Jordan, Michael    Orb = 0°35'
 King, Larry   Orb = 0°45'
 Krieger, Robbie   Orb = 0°32'
 Lincoln, Mary Todd   Orb = 0°49'
 Morrison, Toni    Orb = 0°11'
 Petofi, Sandor    Orb = 0°
 Reszke, Jean De    Orb = 0°10'
 Van Dongen, Kees    Orb = 0°54'

Venus conjunct Ascella,  Orb: 0 deg 04 min

Spontaneous, enterprising, expressive, broad minded, philosophical, adventurous, imaginative, active and self-assured characteristics are denoted. An expansive outlook on life is possible. There may be an inclination towards education. A wide variety of talents and interests may develop. Material gain and social respect may be achieved.

Ascella is Zeta Sagittarii in the constellation of Sagittarius, the Archer. The word Ascella is derived from the Latin word for "Armpit", denoting this star's position within the celestial figure of Sagittarius.

Ascella is included in the manzil, or Arabic Lunar Mansion, Al Na'am, meaning "The Ostriches". In ancient Arabia, ostriches and their feathers were associated with wealth and luxury. In Ancient Egypt the ostrich was a symbol of truth, as it was an ostrich feather that the goddess Ma'at weighed against the hearts of mortals as to ascertain spiritual purity in the afterlife. Ostrich eggs were later used in Eastern Orthodox Churches as symbols of resurrection. According to Robson, this manzil "helps the taming of wild beasts".

Robson states that Ascella is "of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury" and that it "gives good fortune and happiness".

The constellation of Sagittarius represents not a human archer but a Centaur. Centaurs are fantastic beasts of Greek myth with the upper body of a human sprouting from the lower body of a horse. There has been some speculation that the legend of the Centaurs was inspired by the invading tribes who came to Europe from Central Asia on horseback. These wild men, whose skill at riding must have made them appear to be merged as one entity with their horses, were experts with the bow and arrow.

These "Centaurs" were depicted in Greek art and literature as mainly uncivilized, brutal and warlike in manner, with the exception of Chiron, the character most commonly associated with Sagittarius.

Chiron was a teacher who nurtured the intellects of such renowned figures as the great healer Asclepius, Jason, the captain hero of the Golden Fleece cycle, Aristaeus, the first bee-keeper, and Achilles, the hero of the Trojan war.

Chiron was known not only for his wide breadth of knowledge of the healing arts, astrology, divination and philosophy, but also for his gentle and good-humored nature. Today the arts in which Chiron instructed his students are still associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius.

Of the astrological significance of the stars in the constellation Sagittarius Robson quotes Ptolemy, "The stars at the point of the arrow in Sagittarius have influence similar to that of Mars and the Moon: those on the bow, and at the grasp of the hand act like Jupiter and Mars. . .those at the waist and in the back resemble Jupiter, and also Mercury moderately: those in the feet Jupiter and Saturn." Robson also states that "by the Kabalists Sagittarius is associated with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump, the Lovers".

 Aquino, Corazon  Orb = 0°19'
 Dubcek, Alexander  Orb = 0°51'
 Gurdjieff, Georges  Orb = 0°07'
 Hofmann, Albert  Orb = 0°01'
 Jordan, Michael    Orb = 0°05'
 Lincoln, Mary Todd   Orb = 0°20'
 MacDonald, Ross  Orb = 0°52'
 Morrison, Toni  Orb = 0°18'
 Petofi, Sandor  Orb = 0°29'
 Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree  Orb = 0°32'
 Reszke, Jean De  Orb = 0°19'
 Sinatra, Frank  Orb = 0°33'
 Van Dongen, Kees  Orb = 0°25'
 Weber, Carl Maria Von  Orb = 0°13'

Mars conjunct Alminliar Shuja,  Orb: 0 deg 44 min

Strong emotional and instinctual urges are indicated. Secretive and defensive qualities may manifest. An interest in extramundane matters is possible.

Alminliar Shuja is Sigma Hydrae in the constellation of Hydra, the Water Snake. This stars name comes from the Arabic Al Minchar al Shuja, or "the Nose of the Snake". It is also sometimes referred to as Minchir or Minchar.

The constellation Hydra is thought to represent the Hydra of Lerna, a primordial water monster defeated by Heracles. Like it's siblings Cerberus, Chimera and the Nemean Lion, Hydra inspired fear and awe. The creature was characterized by its multitude of heads and poisonous breath. Its function was guardianship of an entrance to the Underworld located at the bottom of the Lake of Lerna. Hydra may be analogous to the Vedic deity Shesha, who is depicted as a massive serpent with many heads. Shesha is king of the Nagas, or subterranean serpent folk, and is said to be an avatar of the Supreme God.

Shesha lends his name to the nakshatra, or Vedic Lunar Mansion,  of Ashlesha. Ashlesha is symbolized by a serpent and presided over by the Nagas. This asterism, which includes Alminliar Shuja, is associated with the dawning of the spiritual impulse in humans as well as personal charisma and healing abilities.

Of the influence of Hydra, Robson states, "It is said to give an emotional and passionate nature, threatened by great troubles."

 Adams, John Quincy  Orb = 0°13'
 Alighieri, Dante   Orb = 0°46'
 Bailey, Alice  Orb = 0°50'
 Dobbs, Mattiwilda  Mar, Orb = 0°28'
 Elisabeth of Belgium, Queen  Orb = 0°37'
 Emerson, Ralph Waldo  Orb = 0°48'
 George I, King of England  Orb = 0°02'
 Jordan, Michael  Orb = 0°41'
 Louis XIII, King  Orb = 0°28'
 Mary II, Queen of England  Orb = 0°16'
 McCarthy, Eugene  Orb = 0°38'
 O' Brien, Conan  Orb = 0°17'

 Roddenberry, Gene  Orb = 0°07'
 Springsteen, Bruce  Orb = 0°01'

Mars conjunct Gianfar,  Orb: 0 deg 09 min

A defensive and secretive nature may be indicated. Interests in worldly power, esoteric subjects, religion, science and medicine may arise. Many changes in both environment and mentality are likely to be experienced, and hidden talents may be revealed later in life. There may also be a tendency towards obsession.

Gianfar (also known as Giansar, Giauzar and Juza) is Lambda Draconis in the constellation of Draco, the Dragon. The name Gianfar may be derived from the Arabic Al Jauzah, meaning "the Central One", a term also used to designate the constellation of Orion. Gianfar lies halfway between Polaris and the Pointers (Merak and Dubhe), thus becoming an important navigational guidepost for ancient stargazers.

Another theory on the origin of this star's name points to the ancient Persian word Ghauzar, meaning "Poison Place". According to Allen, this term refers to the Persian association of poison with places in the sky where the moon crosses the ecliptic. These lunar nodes were thought of as the head and tail of the celestial dragon or serpent. The notion of serpentine venom evokes images of self-defense, aggression, and the mysteries of life and death. These concepts are also relevant to the greater constellation of Draco in which Gianfar resides.

In Ancient Arabia, this constellation was interpreted as a group of Mother Camels protecting a baby camel from hungry hyenas. In other ancient civilizations, the constellation of Draco was seen as a powerful and fearsome entity. The Egyptians associated it with Tawaret, whose name means "Great One". This hippopotamus-headed goddess, sometimes pictured with the back of a crocodile and legs of a lioness, presided over pregnancy and childbirth as well as all forms of protection. There is a clear thematic correlation between Tawaret's ferocious motherly instinct to protect and the story of the Mother Camels.

In Babylon, Draco was associated with Tiamat, the great serpent goddess of primordial chaos, whose name may mean "Life Mother". In early Hindu worship, the constellation was know as Shi-Shu-Mara, or "the Alligator". In Persia it was Azdeha, "the Man Eating Serpent".

In Classical times Draco was associated with many serpentine monsters. Most commonly it corresponded to Ladon, the dragon who guarded Hera's tree of Golden Apples in the Garden of the Hesperides. Ladon was murdered by Heracles, who stole the Golden Apples as the eleventh of his twelve Heroic Labors. The Classical image of Ladon wrapped around the apple tree has been linked to the Biblical Garden of Eden myth, in which the Serpent tempts Eve with an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, leading to the Fall of Man.

Regarding the astrological significance of this constellation, Robson states, "According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Mars. Draco gives an artistic and emotional yet somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends. . .By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump, Death."

 Adams, John Quincy   Orb = 0°43'
 Bailey, Alice   Orb = 0°04'
 Barkely, Charles   Orb = 0°48'
 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward   Orb = 0°10'
 Cleveland, Grover   Orb = 0°33'
 Derain, Andre   Orb = 0°50'
 Dobbs, Mattiwilda   Orb = 0°25'
 Elisabeth of Belgium   Orb = 0°17'
 Emerson, Ralph Waldo   Orb = 0°07'
 George I, King of England   Orb = 0°58'
 Jordan, Michael   Orb = 0°11'
 Louis XIII, King   Orb = 0°29'
 Roddenberry, Gene   Orb = 0°59'
 Springsteen, Bruce   Orb = 0°53'

Saturn conjunct Al Nair,  Orb: 0 deg 08 min

Strong, graceful, eloquent, suave and refined characteristics are denoted. A keen awareness of ones surroundings is likely. Interests may include dance, movement, language, romance and the study of the stars.

Al Nair is Alpha Gruis, the brightest star in the constellation of Grus, the Crane. The name Al Nair is Arabic for "the Bright One".

The crane is a creature typically noted for its graceful and fluid movements. In Japan and Korea this phenomenon inspired the "Crane Dance", a style of dance dating back to at least the year 646 CE. Throughout Asia the crane is revered as a highly auspicious symbol of good health and longevity. In addition to their beauty, cranes are also noted for their stamina and perseverance during their long annual migrations.

Cranes also possess beautiful and haunting voices. In certain parts of Africa they are considered to be emblematic of both eloquence and the ability to speak to the gods.

In the Classical world these exquisite birds associated with the quality of vigilance, as they were thought to take turns guarding the flock at night.

In pre-Islamic Arabia, the three primary goddesses of Mecca, Allat, Uzza and Manah, were lovingly referred to as "the Three Exalted Cranes".

According to Allen, "Horapollo. . . tells us that. . .the crane was  symbol of the star observer in Egypt". They may therefore also be linked to the practices of astronomy and astrology.

According to Robson, "Grus gives a retiring, active, proud, watchful, kind, idealistic and devoted nature, with a liking for astronomy."

 Alexander III, Czar  Orb = 0°32'
 Barkely, Charles  Orb = 0°29'
 Cartier, Jacques  Orb = 0°27'
 Feinstein, Diane  Orb = 0°51'
 Greene, Graham  Orb = 0°01'
 Griffith, D. W. Orb = 0°53'
 Jordan, Michael  Orb = 0°07'
 Ludwig I, King of Bavaria  Orb = 0°37'
 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria  Orb = 0°38'
 Mansfield, Jayne   Orb = 0°17'
 Marconi, Guglielmo  Orb = 0°31'
 Montgomery, Elizabeth  Orb = 0°04'
 Nelson, Willie  Orb = 0°50'
 Umberto II, King  Orb = 0°40'

Saturn conjunct Rotanev,  Orb: 0 deg 18 min

A vibrant, playful, focused, energetic, courageous and proactive individual is denoted. A love of physical activity, movement and adventure is likely. There may be a talent for music or dance as well as a tendency towards active involvement in ones community or social sphere. A helpful, communicative attitude towards others is possible. Romantic relationships and intimate friendships play a crucial role in life. Social, athletic and creative pursuits are favored.

Rotanev is Beta Delphini in the constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin. The name Rotanev was ascribed to this star by Italian astronomer Niccolo Cacciatore in 1814. Cacciatore assisted senior astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi in compiling the Palermo Star Catalog at the famous Palermo Observatory. He recorded the names of Alpha and Beta Delphini as Sualocin and Rotanev. These words are in fact the Latinized version of Cacciatore's name, Nicolaus Venator, spelled backwards. Thus, Rotanev is the inversion of Venator.

Venator is a Latin word meaning "Hunter". It is possible that some of the attributes corresponding the archetype of the Hunter, such as bravery, patience, endurance, skill and speed, may relate to the influence of this star.

Rotanev is included in the nakshatra, or Vedic lunar mansion, of Dhanishta. Dhanishta means "the Wealthiest". It is symbolized by a drum, and its ruling deity is the dancing Shiva. Shiva is known as "the Destroyer". Along with the gods Brahma and Vishnu he completes the trimurti, or the holy trinity of the forces of Creation, Preservation and Destruction described in Hinduism. In this role, Shiva is involved with the phenomenon of death. Similarly, the ability to bring death epitomizes the Hunter connected to Rotanev through the origin of its name.

The eight Vasus, or eight Superb Gods, also preside over Dhanishta. This asterism is associated with music, dance, dynamism, performance, the ability to excel, and an understanding of time and other cyclical mechanisms of the universe. In regards to the subject of cyclical mechanisms, it should be noted that the name Rotanev contains rota, the Latin word for "wheel".

The constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin, is often associated with the myth of the Greek ocean  goddess Amphitrite. Amphitrite was a beautiful Nereid, or sea nymph. She was so lovely that Poseidon, the God of the Ocean, wanted to marry her. Amphitrite fled from Poseidon's marriage proposal, but was followed by a dolphin who spoke on behalf of the god and eventually persuaded Amphitrite to accept. In gratitude, Poseidon petitioned Zeus to set this helpful creature in the sky as a constellation. In this capacity Delphinus has been known by the title Persuasor Amphitrites, the Persuader of the Ocean Goddess.

Another Greek legend associated with Delphinus, which also illustrates the beneficent nature of dolphins, concerns a mortal named Arion. Arion was a talented poet and court musician who traveled the Mediterranean world entertaining nobility. He amassed a significant fortune on his journeys, and one day the jealous crew of the ship he was aboard decided to separate him from his money and his life. Before Arion was thrown overboard he asked the crew to allow him to sing one last song before he died. The song he sang was so beautiful that it summoned a dolphin, who saved him from drowning and carried him back to shore. There have indeed been many incidences of humans communicating with dolphins through sound. The Australian Aborigines fashion wooden sticks which they tap together in certain ways to summon dolphins, a practice which dates back thousands of years. In recent times marine biologists have experimented with using sound waves similar to those which dolphins use to speak to each other underwater to communicate with these intelligent and playful animals. Stories of dolphins saving drowning sailors are also not uncommon. The legend of Arion highlights two important qualities of the dolphin: their responsiveness to communication and their helpful, loving nature. These qualities may pertain to the nature of the constellation Delphinus as well.

Allen states that in Ancient Greece this constellation was allied with the Ichthys, the Sacred Fish, a creature associated with charity, philanthropy and devotion to children. The symbol of the Sacred Fish was adopted by the Early Christians, who corresponded it to the legend of Jesus miraculously multiplying fish so as to feed a crowd of hungry people. The Persian scholar Al Biruni noted that the Early Christians associated the constellation of Delphinus with the Cross of Jesus. There may be a connection between the Ichthys symbol perceived by the Greeks as corresponding to Delphinus and the Early Christian acquisition of both the fish symbol and this constellation.

Al Biruni referred to Delphinus by its traditional Arabic title, Al Kaud, or "the Riding Camel". Another Arabic name for this constellation is Al Uruk, meaning "the Pearls or Precious Stones". Both camels and jewels equated to wealth in ancient Arabia. This symbolic association corresponds to the meaning of Dhanishta, "the Wealthiest".

In India dolphins are perceived as the heralds of the voluptuous and altruistic goddess Ganga, a deification of the life-giving Ganges River.

Dolphins are also respected as divine beings in the Amazon River Basin, which is home to a species of pink river dolphin known as the Boto. Humans who share their habitat with the Boto know them to be shape-shifting sorcerers.

Of the astrological influence of this constellation Robson states, "According to Ptolemy, Delphinus is like Saturn and Mars. It gives a simple appearance, cheerfulness, dissembling and duplicity, love of hunting and sport in general. . .There is fondness for pleasure, ecclesiastical matters and travel. . ."

 Alexander III of Russia   Orb = 0°05'
 Barkely, Charles    Orb = 0°03'
 Belmondo, Jean-Paul    Orb = 0°50'
 Cartier, Jacques   Orb = 0°56'
 Charles VII of France     Orb = 0°58'
 Farrakhan, Louis  Orb = 0°46'
 Feinstein, Dianne    Orb = 0°25'
 Greene, Graham    Orb = 0°26'
 Griffith, D. W. Orb = 0°26'
 Hargitay, Mickey    Orb = 0°16'
 Lemon, Meadowlark    Orb = 0°11'
 Ludwig II of Bavaria    Orb = 0°13'
 Mansfield, Jayne   Orb = 0°10'
 Maples, Marla    Orb = 0°38'
 Marconi, Guglielmo   Orb = 0°58'
 McGwire, Mark   Orb = 0°57'
 McKuen, Rod    Orb = 0°22'
 Montgomery, Elizabeth   Orb = 0°23'
 Nelson, Willie    Orb = 0°24'
 Rivers, Joan    Orb = 0°50'
 Umberto II, King    Orb = 0°14'
 Wilder, Gene    Orb = 0°46'

Uranus conjunct El Kophrah,  Orb: 0 deg 19 min

Graceful, fearless, intelligent and autonomous characteristics may be indicated. A self-assured and authoritative attitude combined with a sharp intellect is possible. Excellence in literary pursuits, journalism, comedy and/or theatre may occur. There may be an inclination towards self-expression in the public arena through mass communications. Exuberance, dynamism and a love of movement may be evidenced through one's persona and work.

El Kophrah (also known as Al Kaphrah)  is Chi Ursae Majoris in the constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear. The name El Kophrah is derived from the Arabic phrase Al Kafzahal al Thiba, or "the Springs of the Gazelle".

Gazelles are a type of antelope known for their gentleness, beauty, grace, speed and agility. The origin of this star's name alludes to one of the gazelle's most unique gifts, its ability to jump (or "spring") high into the air. This activity is not only used to increase speed but also to display strength and frighten predators, proving that although dainty the gazelle is not so easily intimidated. In India, gazelles are identified with Vayu, the God of Wind. Vayu relates to breath as well as prana, the animating force which characterizes living beings. The movement and flow of breath and vital energy, along with the bold and mercurial qualities of the majestic gazelle may conceivably describe one aspect of the astrological influence of  El Kophrah.

In China El Kophrah is known as Tae Yang Show, or "Sun Governor". This title implies a Solar influence emitted by this star,  suggesting themes relating to self-illumination, eminence, optimism and creativity.

Ursa Major, also known today as The Big Dipper, is one of the brightest and most recognizable constellations in the night sky and has historically fascinated humanity. In England it is seen as a plough, and in Burma as a lobster. In Arabia this constellation is seen as a funeral procession, with the three stars forming a line (the "tail" of the bear) being mourners following a coffin.

In Greek myth the Great Bear was Callisto, whose name means "Most Beautiful". Callisto was a nymph who was transformed into a bear by the goddess Artemis when Artemis discovered that Callisto had been impregnated by Zeus. The child Callisto gave birth to was Arcas, who was known to be a great hunter.

Iroquois legend also refers to Ursa Major as a bear, with the four stars which form a rectangular pattern being the bear itself and the three which form a line being hunters in pursuit. Alioth, the first star in the line, is said to be the hunter who carries the weapons to kill the bear. The two which follow (Mizar and Alkaid) carry implements to cook the bear.

Robson states that, "According to Ptolemy, Ursa Major is like Mars. It is said  to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Zain and the 7th Tarot Trump, The Chariot." According to Allen, the association of this constellation with a bear "may have arisen from Aristotle's idea that it's prototype was the only creature that dared to invade the frozen North."  Thus the Great Bear is a symbol of strength, fortitude and perseverance.

 Arafat, Suha   Orb = 0°04'
 Barkely, Charles   Orb = 0°11'
 Cusack, Joan  Orb = 0°34'
 Einstein, Albert   Orb = 0°41'
 Jordan, Michael   Orb = 0°20'
 Nielsen, Brigitte   Orb = 0°09'
 Respighi, Ottorino   Orb = 0°17'
 Sinclair, Upton   Orb = 0°23'
 Williams, Vanessa   Orb = 0°54'

Neptune conjunct Zuben Elakribi,  Orb: 0 deg 54 min

Interests may lie in justice, law, ethics, morality or social organization. A diplomatic role may be taken. The practice of achieving equilibrium and harmony in ones environment may be a consistent life theme. A high level of mental activity is also denoted. Social, cultural, legal, intellectual, judicial, executive, political and creative activities are favored; as are all pursuits requiring a good sense of balance.

Zuben Elakribi is Delta Librae in the constellation of Libra, the Scales. The name Zuben Elakribi is derived from the Arabic Al Zuban al Akrab, meaning "the Claws of the Scorpion". This title arose from the ancient perception of Libra not as its own constellation, but as the claws of the neighboring constellation of Scorpio.

According to Allen, this star was included in the Akkadian asterism Mulu-izi, meaning "Man of Fire". This asterism was associated with the obscure star god Laterak.

The constellation Libra represents the Scales of Justice held by the ancient Greek goddess Astraea. Astraea, whose name means "Star Maiden", was the daughter of Zeus (Jupiter) and the Titaness Themis. The name Themis translates to "Natural Law" or "that which is put in place". Themis and her daughter are both divinities personifying Justice, Order and Truth. Astraea is often associated with the constellation Virgo, the Virgin, which borders Libra in the night sky and precedes it in the zodiac wheel.

Justitia, the Roman equivalent to Astraea, lends her name to the English word justice. She was personified as a bare-chested woman holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other, symbolizing judgment and consequences. Today she is known as Lady Justice and still presides over courtrooms. She is now typically depicted with a blindfold over her eyes, an accoutrement of the Roman deity Fortuna, the goddess of Luck.

The scales of Libra also reflect the image of the scales of Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of Law, Morality and Justice. Like Themis and Astraea, Ma'at concerns herself with the ordering of natural forces. The Egyptian Books of the Dead (texts which describe the soul's journey after death) tell of a ceremonial trial of the afterlife. During this trial, one's heart is placed on a scale to be weighed against the feather of Ma'at. If the heart is lighter than the feather the soul may continue existence. If the heart outweighs the feather, however, it is consumed by Ammit, a terrifying creature who appears in a composite form as part leopard, part crocodile and part hippopotamus.

Libra is unique among the constellations of the zodiac as it the only one to be represented by an object rather than a person or animal. It is also the newest addition to the zodiac. The ancients saw it not in it's present form but as Chelae Scorpius, "the Claws of the Scorpion".

Of Libra's astrological properties Robson quotes Ptolemy; "Those stars at the points of the claws of Scorpio operate like Jupiter and Mercury: those in the middle of the claws, like Saturn and in some degree like Mars." Robson also states that Libra is associated with the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Heth, and the 8th Tarot Trump, Justice. The number eight is often invoked to describe systems of divine order and natural harmony. Some examples are the Eight Immortals of Chinese myth, the Eight Vasus ("Excellences") of Hindu tradition, the Eight Angels who carry the throne of Allah in Islam, and the Eight Great Boddisatvas embodying aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism.

 Balzac, Honore De     Orb = 0°47'
 Barkely, Charles     Orb = 0°53'
 Bonds, Barry      Orb = 0°16'
 Bullock, Sandra     Orb = 0°16'
 James II, King of England     Orb = 0°15'
 Jordan, Michael    Orb = 0°54'
 Lennon, Julian     Orb = 0°14'
 Love, Courtney     Orb = 0°21'
 Machiavelli, Niccolo     Orb = 0°11'
 Maples, Marla     Orb = 0°10'
 McGwire, Mark      Orb = 0°44'
 O'Brien, Conan     Orb = 0°01'
 Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil     Orb = 0°43'
 Pushkin, Alexander     Orb = 0°23'
 Reeves, Keanu    Orb = 0°38'
 Spade, David Wayne      Orb = 0°17'
 Williams, Vanessa     Orb = 0°39'

Pluto conjunct Alsuhail,  Orb: 0 deg 31 min

The ability to recognize opportunity is denoted. The individual may make optimal use of their circumstances and resources. Material gain is likely. Travel and adventure may play an important role in life. Adventurous, exploratory and open minded characteristics may develop. A broad worldview may be adopted.

Alsuhail is Lambda Velorum in the constellation of Vela, the Sail. The name Alsuhail comes from the Arabic Al Suhail al Wazn, meaning "the Glorious One of the Weight (of the Sail)".

This constellation is one of the four  which together comprised Argo Navis, the Ship Argo. In 1752 an astronomer named Nicolas Louis de Lacaille officially split Argo Navis into Vela ("the Sail"), Carina ("The Keel"), Puppis ("the Deck") and Pyxis ("the Compass").

In Greek legend, the ship Argo was the seafaring vessel of the hero Jason. The crew of this ship, the Argonauts, were fierce warriors and heroes in their own right. Jason and the Argonauts traveled to Colchis (modern day Georgia) in search of the Golden Fleece, the magical hide of the winged ram Chrysomallos. Many authors have attempted to decode the symbolic meaning of the Golden Fleece. Robert Graves claimed that it was symbolic of Zeus in his ram form, while Palaephatus thought it represented an esoteric alchemical text. Marcus Porcius Cato and Marcus Terentius Varro associated the Golden Fleece with royal power, which would correspond to Grave's analysis, as Zeus is a deity embodying royal power.

Zeus is synonymous with Jupiter, and indeed Robson tells us that, "According to Ptolemy, the bright stars (in Argo Navis) are like Saturn and Jupiter". Robson also claims that the influence of this constellation, "is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind and spirit". In the ancient Mediterranean trade by sea was vital to the economy, so it is no surprise that sea voyages would be linked to the concept of wealth and prosperity, another quality of Zeus/Jupiter.

 Arafat, Suha  Orb = 0°22'
 Barkely, Charles  Orb = 0°26'
 Chigi, Agostino  Orb = 0°38'
 Cusack, Joan  Orb = 0°28'
 Houston, Whitney  Orb = 0°20'
 Jordan, Michael  Orb = 0°31'
 Judd, Wynonna  Orb = 0°55'
 Junger, Sebastian  Orb = 0°52'
 Lang, K. D. Orb = 0°57'
 Lennon, Julian  Orb = 0°41'
 Linley, David  Orb = 0°56'
 Michael, George  Orb = 0°50'
 Nielsen, Brigitte  Orb = 0°25'
 O' Brien, Conan  Orb = 0°53'
 Serra, Father Jupinero  Orb = 0°52'
 Williams, Vanessa  Orb = 0°14'

Pluto conjunct Zosma,  Orb: 0 deg 24 min

Self-loving, uninhibited, extroverted, materialistic and enthusiastic qualities are denoted. An inclination towards emotional expression tempered by a calm sense of inner solidity is also indicated. A love of pleasure, sensuality, beauty, art and culture may manifest. Intuitive abilities may be heightened. A position of public prominence or authority may be attained. Executive, competitive and creative activities are favored, as are all pursuits relating to entertainment.

Zosma is Delta Leonis in the constellation of Leo, the Lion. The name Zosma is derived from the Persian  word for "Girdle". This star has also been known as Al Thahr al Asad, "the Lion's Back".

Along with its neighbor Chertan (Theta Leonis) this star was included in the ancient Babylonian asterism Kakkab Kua, the constellation of the deity Kua, who Allen calls "the Oracle". This association may imply some prophetic abilities in conjunction with Zosma's influence.

Zosma and Chertan were known in ancient Egypt as Mes-su, or "the Heart of Su". Su (or Shu) was the Egyptian god of Air. His name means "He Who Rises Up". This deity was associated with Ma'at, the goddess of truth, justice, and order. These attributes may therefore also pertain to the influence of Zosma and Chertan.

These two stars were referred to by the Khorasmians as Armagh, "the Great", and by the Sogdians as Wadha, "the Wise". In China Zosma alone was Shang Seang, "Higher Minister of State". Knowledgeable, discerning and eminent qualities are alluded to by these ancient names.

In Indian Zosma and Chertan constitute the nakshatra, or Vedic Lunar Mansion, of Purvaphalguni. Purvaphalguni, meaning "Little Fig Tree", is traditionally symbolized by a bed. It is presided over by Bhaga, a solar deity whose name means "Delight". This nakshatra is associated with sensuality, pleasure and relaxation.

Robson states that Zosma is "of the nature of Saturn and Venus". The Venusian influence is evidenced by this star's inclusion in Purvaphalguni. The Saturnian influence noted may relate to the wisdom attributed to this star in ancient Iran and China. Robson also affiliates Zosma with the qualities of shamelessness and egotism.

Ebertin also cites a "Saturn-Venus nature" for this star, expounding that, "Its reputation is that of giving an alert mind, but also with inclination to melancholic moods".

The greater constellation of Leo is generally thought to represent the Nemean Lion, the vicious child of Typhon and Echidna, who was slain by Hercules.

Lions have long been revered by humans and identified with the qualities of grace, nobility, strength and courage. In fact, the oldest known figurine combining human and animal attributes is a stone carving of a lion-headed man. This "Lion Man"  was discovered in Germany's Hohlenstein-Stadel cave and is attributed to the Upper Paleolithic Aurignacian civilization. It is currently dated to be 32,000 years old.

Lions are seen depicted in the art of virtually every ancient civilization including Babylon, Assyria and Mycenae. The Ancient Egyptians worshipped the deity Sehkmet, who is portrayed as a woman with the head of a lion. Sehkmet was the ferocious and fearsome goddess of War. She was invoked for courage in battle. Similarly, in India lions were the emblem of the Kshatriya, or warrior class. The Indian goddess Durga, a fierce warrior and divine protector, is often seen riding a lion.

Robson quotes Ptolemy on the nature of Leo; "Of the stars in Leo, the two in the head are like Saturn and partly like Mars. The three in the neck are like Saturn and in some degree like Mercury. . . Those in the loins. . .Saturn and Venus: those in the thighs resemble Venus and in some degree Mercury".

Robson also states that "By the Kabalists, Leo is associated with the Hebrew letter Kaph and the 11th Tarot Trump, Strength". It is of note that Kaph is the eleventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet and Purvaphalguni is the eleventh nakshatra. The number eleven may hold significance in relation to the essential nature of Zosma.

 Arafat, Suha     Orb = 0°29'
 Barkely, Charles    Orb = 0°19'
 Chatto, Lady Sarah     Orb = 0°53'
 Cusack, Joan     Orb = 0°20'
 Houston, Whitney     Orb = 0°13'
 Jordan, Michael     Orb = 0°24'
 Judd, Wynonna    Orb = 0°47'
 Lennon, Julian     Orb = 0°49'
 Michael, George     Orb = 0°58'
 Nielsen, Brigitte     Orb = 0°32'
 Williams, Vanessa    Orb = 0°21'

Asc. conjunct Dsiban,  Orb: 0 deg 10 min

Ambitious, aggressive, confrontational, competitive, contentious and antagonistic qualities may be indicated. A love of challenge and strategy is possible. There may also be an inclination towards managerial or magisterial pursuits.

Dsiban (or Dziban) is Psi 1 Draconis in the constellation of Draco, the Dragon. The name Dsiban is derived from the Arabic Al Dhibain, which means "the Two Wolves, Jackals or Hyenas". This  title originally referred not to this star, but to it's neighbors Eta and Zeta Draconis. In ancient Arabia, the constellation of Draco was interpreted as a group of Mother Camels protecting their young from a party of encroaching carnivores (Al Dhibain). As Dsiban is associated through it's name with the threatening force in this celestial drama, it's influence may relate to the instigation of conflict and the assumption of an offensive stance.

In China Dsiban was known as Niu She, meaning "the Palace Governess" or "the Literary Woman" (literacy was no doubt tied to nobility in ancient China). This title implies authoritative and commanding qualities.

In other ancient civilizations, the constellation of Draco was seen as a powerful and fearsome entity. The Egyptians associated it with Tawaret, whose name means "Great One". This hippopotamus-headed goddess, sometimes pictured with the back of a crocodile and legs of a lioness, presided over pregnancy and childbirth as well as all forms of protection. There is a clear thematic correlation between Tawaret's ferocious motherly instinct to protect and the story of the Mother Camels.

In Babylon, Draco was associated with Tiamat, the great serpent goddess of primordial chaos, whose name may mean "Life Mother". In early Hindu worship, the constellation was know as Shi-Shu-Mara, or "the Alligator". In Persia it was Azdeha, "the Man Eating Serpent".

In Classical times Draco was associated with many serpentine monsters. Most commonly it corresponded to Ladon, the dragon who guarded Hera's tree of Golden Apples in the Garden of the Hesperides. Ladon was murdered by Heracles, who stole the Golden Apples as the eleventh of his twelve Heroic Labors. The Classical image of Ladon wrapped around the apple tree has been linked to the Biblical Garden of Eden myth, in which the Serpent tempts Eve with an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, leading to the Fall of Man.

Regarding the astrological significance of this constellation, Robson states, "According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Mars. Draco gives an artistic and emotional yet somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends. . .By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump, Death."

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"   Orb = 0°23'
 Archer, Anne    Orb = 0°17'
 Benjamin, Richard   Orb = 0°08'
 De Laurentiis, Dino   Orb = 0°
 Einstein, Albert   Orb = 0°25'
 Elizabeth of York   Orb = 0°07'
 Ives, Burl    Orb = 0°28'
 Lodge, Henry Cabot    Orb = 0°36'

Asc. conjunct Sirius,  Orb: 0 deg 29 min

Confidence in ones own abilities is denoted, as are the qualities of charisma, inner strength, fortitude, charm, individuality and courage. The desire to make an important contribution to the world may develop. A position of great public esteem and responsibility may be acquired, owing to the enthusiastic support of others. Loyalty and devotion to ones family, community or nation is also likely. Close friendships and romantic relationships play a prominent role in life. The individual may also feel strongly connected to that which they consider divine. Any chosen undertaking is likely to succeed.

Sirius, the brightest star in the sky,  is Alpha Canis Majoris in the constellation of Canis Major, the Great Dog. The name Sirius is derived from the Greek syrius, meaning "Glowing, Sparkling, Scorching". This term was applied by the ancient Greeks to several brilliant celestial objects including the Sun. Hesiod was the first to designate this star as such in his text Works and Days.

Sirius is often called the "Dog Star" and claims a lengthy historical association with canines. The term "dog days of summer" is still commonly used today to describe the blisteringly hot period at the end of the summer season. This term originated in ancient Greece, where the heliacal rising of Sirius was highly revered. The Chinese also referred to this star as Tseen Lang,  or "Heavenly Wolf". In ancient Egypt the hieroglyph representing Sirius resembled a dog. This star may have been referred to in ancient Babylon as Kakhab lik-ku, "the Star of the Dog". The Phoenician name for Sirius was Hannabeah, or "the Barker".

The alliance of Sirius with the Dog is not a phenomena unique to the Eastern Hemisphere. The Seri and Tohono O'odham tribes of the Southwestern United States perceive Sirius as a "dog chasing sheep". Members of the Blackfoot tribe know this star as "Dogface". The Inuit people of frozen Alaska refer to it as the "Moon Dog". How the brightest star in the night sky came to be almost universally interpreted as a dog is mystifying.

The greater constellation of Canis Major is most commonly associated with hunting dog of the great hunter Orion, who chases a hare (the constellation Lepus). It has also been interpreted as  Laeleps, a magical hunting dog imbued with the gift of always catching his prey. Laeleps was a gift from Zeus to Europa along with a javelin that never missed its target .

In another Classical context, Canis Major may be Cerberus, the hound who guards the subterranean realm of Hades. Cerberus corresponds to the Egyptian Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death.

In Classical myth, dogs are commonly portrayed as the companions of Artemis/Diana, the Lunar goddess of the wilderness and the hunt, as well as her ally (or possibly prototype) Hecate, the three-faced goddess of the Crossroads. Dogs represent loyalty and commitment to family and tribe, as well as self-preservation through instinct and protection from malevolent forces.

In the Roman Empire sacrifices were made to Sirius during three major agricultural festivals, Roigalia, Floralia and Vinalia. These celebrations were held in succession when Sirius was nearing conjunction with the Sun. The culmination of Sirius at midnight was celebrated by the ancient Greeks at the Eleusinian temple of Demeter. The earth/mother goddess Demeter was intimately connected to agricultural cycles, abundant harvests and fertility.

In ancient Egypt around the year 3285 BCE, the heliacal rising of Sirius (the beginning of the "dog days") marked the beginning of the year. The fact that the Egyptians based their annual calendar on the rising of this star rather than the waxing and waning of the Sun's light displays the great importance with which they imbued it. The heliacal rising of Sirius at that time also signaled the beginning of the flooding of the Nile River, a natural process which restored nutrients to the soil and essentially made ancient Egyptian farming possible. The concurrence of these events linked Sirius not only to the power of the Nile, but to concepts of the earths fertile bounty, as evidenced by the later Classical traditions.

This eminent celestial body was associated with several important deities in ancient Egypt; namely Isis, her husband Osiris, and Thoth. The Egyptian name for Sirius was Sothis. It is from Sothis that the Greek word for wisdom, Sophia, may originate. Sothis was thought to be the soul of Isis.

A beloved and benevolent deity of many powers, Isis was most fervently revered  for resurrecting her brother/husband Osiris after his murder by Set. In this capacity, she is known by the title "Mistress of the House of Life", and is associated with the power of regeneration. She is also engaged in giving life through her role as mother of the falcon-headed god Horus. Images of Isis nursing the baby Horus were extremely common in Egypt (and later Rome), and therefore may have directly inspired the classic image of the Virgin Mary nursing the baby Jesus. This is especially probable granted that both Isis and the Virgin Mary have been called Stella Maris, or "Star of the Sea". In this way Isis/Sothis reflects the nourishing and life-sustaining powers of the Nile as perceived by the Egyptians.

Isis is also known as the "Great Lady of Magic". Legend relates that Isis had to learn (or invent)  magic in order to resurrect Osiris, and is therefore intimately connected to its practice. Sirius was later connected to Thoth, the scribe of the gods, another deity primarily associated with magic, knowledge and wisdom.

In the Roman Empire, Isis was referred to as the "Queen of Heaven", a title later adopted by the Virgin Mary. This would also be an appropriate title for Sirius, as the brightest star in the sky. The Romans correlated Isis to Ceres, their version of the Greek Demeter in whose temple Sirius was worshipped.

As the herald of the New Year and the soul of the Great Goddess, Sirius was an object worthy of the highest veneration in ancient Egypt. It was, and continues to be, similarly revered by the Dogon tribe of Mali. This tribe has claimed the descent of a group of godlike beings indigenous to the Sirius star system. Before the advent of modern astronomy, the Dogon displayed a detailed knowledge of Sirian cosmology, including the existence of Sirius B.

The Greek word syrius, from which Sirius is derived, may be etymologically connected to the Sanskrit Surya, meaning "the Supreme Light". In Hindu tradition, however, this star is not associated with Surya, the Sun God, but with Rudra. Rudra, whose name means "the Howler", is a fierce red form of Shiva, the Great Destroyer. He is associated with violent storms and chaotic upheaval. In India Sirius is named Mrgavyadha, meaning "Deer Hunter", an epithet of Rudra. This symbolic interpretation of Sirius as a violent and tumultuous force seems to deviate wildly from the Egyptian/Classical perception of this star as the essence of gentle and nurturing Isis/Ceres/Demeter. It may be noted that the process of regeneration for which Isis is so renowned must inevitably include some tumult and discord. Undoubtedly the annual flooding of the Nile was a dramatic event.

In Scandinavia Sirius is known as "Loki's Torch". Loki, like Rudra, is violent in nature and may be connected to storms and other natural disasters. Like Isis and Thoth, he is also deeply involved with the practice of magic.

Loki is a trickster god, and as such he is morally ambiguous. Similarly, astrologers throughout the ages have given Sirius mixed reviews.

Of this star Ebertin states, "In mythology and conjuring magic it played an important role. . .In its nature are Mars and Jupiter traits. From time immemorial it was the "Royal One", but it is also known as violent. Well connected, it promises fame, honors, riches. On the ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous. Pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers. . .According to tradition, Sirius will give a "famous" death with honors beyond the grave, if positioned in the 8th house. In good aspect with Mars and Jupiter and close to the Meridian, promise is given of gaining extensive wealth, a lucky hand in commercial enterprise or matters of government. This star so placed is most excellent for the military, lawyers and civil servants. Sirius in conjunction with the Sun and well  placed in the cosmogram will be found to be the case with numerous important and famous personalities. Possibly, the rise in station is made possible by protection from people of influence."

Robson also cites an influence similar to Jupiter and Mars in relation to this star, elucidating that , "It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion,  passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians."

Sirius was also one of the fifteen Behenian fixed stars listed by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in his text De Occulta Philosophia. These stars were considered by Medieval astrologer/magicians in Europe and Arabia to be potent sources of power. The name Behenian derives from the Arabic word bahman, or "Root", as these stars were perceived as points of origin for the essences of the planets. In this text Agrippa associates Sirius not with Jupiter and Mars, but with Venus. Agrippa also lists two terrestrial materials which correspond to the nature of Sirius; the juniper tree and the gemstone beryl.

 Archer, Anne    Orb = 0°36'
 Benjamin, Richard    Orb = 0°11'
 De Laurentiis, Dino    Orb = 0°20'
 Einstein, Albert    Orb = 0°47'
 Elizabeth of York    Orb = 0°46'
 Gifford, Frank     Orb = 0°40'
 Ives, Burl    Orb = 0°07'
 Lemmon, Jack    Orb = 0°25'
 Lodge, Henry Cabot      Orb = 0°16'
 Maximilian, Emperor   Orb = 0°22'

Descendant conjunct Alfecca Meridiana,  Orb: 0 deg 31 min

Emotional, intuitive, introspective, gentle and secretive characteristics are indicated. Abstract or  non-linear thought, unconventional yet effective problem-solving skills, and comfort with unseen forces may be areas of strength. Creativity and originality and are also likely. An inventive and imaginative nature may manifest.

Alfecca Meridiana is Alpha Coronae Australis in the constellation of Corona Australis, the Southern Crown. The word Alfecca is derived from the Arabic Al Fakkah, meaning "the Dish". The circular pattern of this faint constellation has been interpreted as a dish as well as a crown. Meridiana is Latin for "the Middle".

In ancient Arabia Corona Australis was also known as Al Kubbah, a phrase which Allen claims translates to "literally the Tortoise, but secondarily the Women's Tent". Similarly, in China this constellation is known as Pe, "the Tortoise".

Tortoises suggested natural order, peace and wisdom in ancient China. Stone tortoises supporting the pillars of imperial Chinese tombs symbolized the divine Tortoise Ao, a creature credited with the Atlas-like task of supporting the world on his shell. The legend of a world-supporting tortoise is also evidenced in several American Indian religious traditions. In both China and America, tortoises denoted protection, harmony, endurance, patience, calmness and long life. In China they were associated with the north, the element water, the moon, the winter, the color black, and femininity. Presumably the tortoise's retreat into it's shell was thought to reflect the sun's yearly retreat in the winter as well as all hidden, quiet, internalized and intuitive activities. The secondary meaning ascribed to Al Kubbah, the Women's Tent,  seems to imply similar connotations. These themes may be relevant to the astrological influence of Alfecca Meridiana.

Classical myth reveals the notion that Coronae Australis was placed in the sky by Dionysus/Bacchus in honor of his mother Semele. Semele was a mortal priestess dedicated to Zeus, the King of the Gods. Zeus often observed her in his temple and was stricken by her beauty and grace. The woman and the god soon began a love affair, which was discovered by jealous Hera, Queen of the Gods. Hera disguised herself as an old woman, and befriended Semele. Semele confided in Hera that her lover was none other than Zeus himself. Hera craftily planted the seeds of doubt in her mind, eventually convincing her to persuade Zeus to show her his true form. The brilliance of the god's divine radiance immolated human Semele, who was at the time pregnant with Zeus' child. The fetal Dionysus was rescued from the flames and sewn into Zeus' thigh, from which he was born, thus making him "the twice born god". According to some versions of the legend Dionysus rescued his mother from the underworld, and she ascended to Mount Olympus to live in the immortal realm of the gods. Her presence was acknowledged by the ecstatic worshippers of Dionysus.

The Dionysian religion exemplified worship of the most primal, non-linear, intuitive, sensual and unrestrained variety. In this way,  Semele's womb may be analogous to shell of the Tortoise who carries the world on his back; it is a dark place of pure feeling and primordial energy from which all form emerges. Natives of Alfecca Meridiana may have an innate comfort with the emotional, intuitive and mysterious aspects of human experience, making them highly creative, original, and exploratory in their thoughts and actions.

Of the influence of Corona Australis Robson states, "According to Ptolemy the bright stars are like Saturn and Jupiter. It is said to bring unforeseen troubles, but to give a position of authority".

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"   Orb = 0°
 Backhaus, William   Orb = 0°04'
 Benjamin, Richard   Orb = 0°14'
 De Laurentiis, Dino   Orb = 0°22'
 Einstein, Albert   Orb = 0°49'
 Gifford, Frank   Orb = 0°38'
 Ives, Burl   Orb = 0°05'
 Lodge, Henry Cabot   Orb = 0°13'
 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai    Orb = 0°28'

Descendant conjunct Ascella,  Orb: 0 deg 02 min

Spontaneous, enterprising, expressive, broad minded, philosophical, adventurous, imaginative, active and self-assured characteristics are denoted. An expansive outlook on life is possible. There may be an inclination towards education. A wide variety of talents and interests may develop. Material gain and social respect may be achieved.

Ascella is Zeta Sagittarii in the constellation of Sagittarius, the Archer. The word Ascella is derived from the Latin word for "Armpit", denoting this star's position within the celestial figure of Sagittarius.

Ascella is included in the manzil, or Arabic Lunar Mansion, Al Na'am, meaning "The Ostriches". In ancient Arabia, ostriches and their feathers were associated with wealth and luxury. In Ancient Egypt the ostrich was a symbol of truth, as it was an ostrich feather that the goddess Ma'at weighed against the hearts of mortals as to ascertain spiritual purity in the afterlife. Ostrich eggs were later used in Eastern Orthodox Churches as symbols of resurrection. According to Robson, this manzil "helps the taming of wild beasts".

Robson states that Ascella is "of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury" and that it "gives good fortune and happiness".

The constellation of Sagittarius represents not a human archer but a Centaur. Centaurs are fantastic beasts of Greek myth with the upper body of a human sprouting from the lower body of a horse. There has been some speculation that the legend of the Centaurs was inspired by the invading tribes who came to Europe from Central Asia on horseback. These wild men, whose skill at riding must have made them appear to be merged as one entity with their horses, were experts with the bow and arrow.

These "Centaurs" were depicted in Greek art and literature as mainly uncivilized, brutal and warlike in manner, with the exception of Chiron, the character most commonly associated with Sagittarius.

Chiron was a teacher who nurtured the intellects of such renowned figures as the great healer Asclepius, Jason, the captain hero of the Golden Fleece cycle, Aristaeus, the first bee-keeper, and Achilles, the hero of the Trojan war.

Chiron was known not only for his wide breadth of knowledge of the healing arts, astrology, divination and philosophy, but also for his gentle and good-humored nature. Today the arts in which Chiron instructed his students are still associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius.

Of the astrological significance of the stars in the constellation Sagittarius Robson quotes Ptolemy, "The stars at the point of the arrow in Sagittarius have influence similar to that of Mars and the Moon: those on the bow, and at the grasp of the hand act like Jupiter and Mars. . .those at the waist and in the back resemble Jupiter, and also Mercury moderately: those in the feet Jupiter and Saturn." Robson also states that "by the Kabalists Sagittarius is associated with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump, the Lovers".

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"  Orb = 0°30'
 Backhaus, William   Orb = 0°25'
 Benjamin, Richard  Orb = 0°16'
 Cox, Patricia Nixon   Orb = 0°05'
 De Laurentiis, Dino  Orb = 0°08'
 Einstein, Albert  Orb = 0°19'
 Ives, Burl  Orb = 0°35'
 Lemmon, Jack  Orb = 0°53'
 Lodge, Henry Cabot  Orb = 0°43'
 Maximilian, Emperor  Orb = 0°08'
 Rimsky-Korsakoff, Nikolai  Orb = 0°57'
 Wahlberg, Mark  Orb = 0°55'

MC conjunct Markab,  Orb: 0 deg 30 min

A direct, practical, motivated and action-oriented nature is indicated. The ability to achieve one's goals and overcome obstacles is exalted. Fear and other emotional impediments may be confronted and conquered. Aggressive and competitive characteristics are likely. Good survival skills, an astute and observant mind, and the ability to deal with unpleasant subjects are areas of personal strength. Athletic, investigational, political, expressive and psychological pursuits are favored. There may also be an interest in the mysteries of death and the afterlife.

Markab is Alpha Pegasi in the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. The name Markab is Arabic for "a Saddle, Ship, or Vehicle", or in other words, anything ridden upon. This title accentuates the role of Pegasus as the mount of the hero Bellerophon. After taming this divine creature, Bellerophon slew the monster Chimera. Pegasus was said to be the offspring of the oceanic god Poseidon in his form as horse deity (horses have long been associated with the ocean) and the serpent-haired gorgon Medusa. Pegasus sprang from Medusa's neck when she was beheaded by Perseus. The Winged Horse was a symbol of ascension, victory and triumph in the Classical world and continues to be so today.

According to Robson, the constellation Pegasus "gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and bad judgment".

Markab has been included in the Lunar Mansions of ancient Mesopotamia, India and China. An investigation of the qualities ascribed to these asterisms may further illuminate the nature of this star.

Along with Homam (Zeta Pegasi) and Scheat (Beta Pegasi), Markab comprised the ancient Euphratean asterism Lik-bar-ra, "the Hyena". Hyenas are unique animals whose strange qualities have alternately beguiled and repulsed humans throughout history. They are noted primarily for their scavenging skills, and have been known to voraciously devour entire corpses, including fur and bones. In fact, this all-consuming quality led to their  name, which comes from the Greek word hyaina, meaning "pig". Snubbed for their gluttony, these creatures actually play an important role in the natural order by helping decompose the dead bodies of other animals, an admirable and thankless job. In this way hyenas exemplify the phenomenon of purification through destructive consumption, a concept deified in India as the goddess Kali.

Other distinguishing features of the hyena include their seemingly hermaphroditic gender and their eerie, demented laughter. They are often cast in myth as amoral tricksters, if not diabolical villains.

In the mythos of many African tribes, hyenas are associated with sorcery. The Bornu people of Nigeria perceive these creatures as magical shape-shifters who may assume a human form. In Sudan, witches are thought to ride hyenas through the desert, and in Ethiopia there is a prevalent belief in men (often blacksmiths) who transform into hyenas to rob graves at night. Arab legend  ascribes the powers of hypnotism and vampirism to these animals. The mercurial, stealthy and pragmatic characteristics of the hyena may pertain to the influence of Markab as well.

In India, Markab is included in the nakshatra, or Vedic Lunar Mansion, of Purvabhadrapada. Purvabhadrapada means "the Former Lucky Feet" or "the Beautiful Right Foot". It is symbolized by a funeral cot, a man with two faces, or a sword. This nakshatra is associated with overcoming the fear of death. The symbolism of the funeral cot clearly communicates this theme, while the iconic man with two faces describes the moment of death, in which one exists simultaneously in this world and the next. The phenomena of death is confronted fearlessly and directly in this nakshatra, much as it is dealt with by the Hyena associated by the ancient Mesopotamians with this star.

Purvabhadrapada's ruling deity is Aja-Ekapada "the One Footed Goat", an obscure god associated with Rudra, the fierce red form of Shiva, the Destroyer. Rudra, called "the Wild One" or "the Howler", is reminiscent of the red god Mars. The Chinese Lunar asterism which includes Markab is Shih, meaning "a House". Shih is ruled by Mars.

Of the influence of Markab Robson states, "According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars and Mercury; to Simmonite, of Mars and Venus. . .It gives honor, riches, fortune, danger. . ." Ptolemy and Simmonite corroborate the Martian nature of this star perceived by ancient Chinese and Vedic astrologers.

Ebertin remarks of this star, "Tied up with propitious stellar bodies, Markab is said to influence above all the spiritual and mental nature, to give a good head for figures, intellectual alertness,  mental powers in general, and last but not least, the ability to further propaganda activity. . ."

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"   Orb = 0°35'
 Benjamin, Richard    Orb = 0°17'
 Cher   Orb = 0°02'
 De Laurentiis, Dino   Orb = 0°35'
 Edward II, King of England    Orb = 0°42'
 Gebel-Williams, Gunther    Orb = 0°12'
 Gebel-Williams, Gunther   Orb = 0°12'
 Griffin, Merv   Orb = 0°10'
 Harrah, William   Orb = 0°39'
 Hobby, Oveta Culp   Orb = 0°22'
 Kipling, Rudyard   Orb = 0°08'
 Lalo, Edouard    Orb = 0°44'
 Margrethe II of Denmark   Orb = 0°52'
 Nureyev, Rudolf    Orb = 0°14'
 Ride, Sally Kirsten    Orb = 0°34'
 Van Gogh, Vincent   Orb = 0°39'
 Wilhelm II   Orb = 0°58'
IC conjunct Alkes,  Orb: 0 deg 43 min

Emotionally sensitive, empathetic, receptive, intuitive, self-reflecting, insightful, romantic and creative attributes are denoted. An openness to new ideas and opportunities is possible, as is a compassionate attitude towards others. Personal relationships may be held in high regard. A rich inner life is likely.

Alkes is Alpha Crateris in the constellation of Crater, the Cup. The name Alkes is derived from the Arabic Al-Ka's, or "Goblet".

According to one Greek myth, Crater represents the Goblet of Apollo. Apollo, the Solar god of light and reason (as well as music, poetry and the arts) gave Corvus, the Crow, a goblet to fetch water. Corvus dallied, eating figs, until much later remembering his mission. Grabbing the water filled cup, as well as a snake, he returned to Apollo and told him that the snake had delayed him. Wise Apollo was not fooled and threw the Crow, the Cup and the Snake into the heavens, where they became the constellations Corvus, Crater and Hydra. In another Greek tale, Crater is the wine glass of Dionysus, the god of wine, madness and religious ecstasy.

The cup is an object rich in magical symbolism and cultural significance. In Western mysticism the cup alludes to the feminine principle. In the Tarot the suit of Cups is synonymous with the element of Water and the realm of Emotion. Celtic myth speaks of cups and cauldrons imbued with magical and regenerative capabilities, perhaps providing a foundation for the Arthurian legends concerning the Holy Grail, the blessed cup from which Jesus took his last drink. The Holy Chalice is still used in Christian Mass to reenact Christ's Last Supper. Special goblets are used to pour libations to deities in many religious traditions.

Robson states that "According to Ptolemy, (Crater) is like Venus and in some degree like Mercury. It gives a kind, generous, cheerful, receptive, passionate and hospitable nature, with good mental abilities, but subject to apprehension and indecision. There is a disordered life full of sudden and unexpected events."

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"  Orb = 0°21'
 Benjamin, Richard  Orb = 0°30'
 Brinkley, David  Orb = 0°42'
 Cher  Orb = 0°11'
 De Laurentiis, Dino  Orb = 0°48'
 Edward II, King of England  Orb = 0°23'
 Giraudoux, Jean  Orb = 0°23'
 Griffin, Merv  Orb = 0°23'
 Hobby, Oveta Culp  Orb = 0°08'
 Kipling, Rudyard  Orb = 0°21'
 Lalo, Edouard  Orb = 0°59'
 Ride, Sally Kirsten  Orb = 0°46'
 Van Gogh,Vincent  Orb = 0°25'

IC conjunct Avior,  Orb: 0 deg 09 min

An expansive outlook is denoted, as is the ability to recognize opportunity. The power to facilitate communication between individuals and organizations may also be indicated. Travel, trade, diplomacy and exploration may be important life themes. Social and economic ascendancy is possible.

Avior is Epsilion Carinae in the constellation of Carina, the Keel (of the Ship).

This constellation is one of the four  which together comprised Argo Navis, the Ship Argo. In 1752 an astronomer named Nicolas Louis de Lacaille officially split Argo Navis into Vela ("the Sail"), Carina ("The Keel"), Puppis ("the Deck") and Pyxis ("the Compass").

In Greek legend, the ship Argo was the seafaring vessel of the hero Jason. The crew of this ship, the Argonauts, were fierce warriors and heroes in their own right. Jason and the Argonauts traveled to Colchis (modern day Georgia) in search of the Golden Fleece, the magical hide of the winged ram Chrysomallos. Many authors have attempted to decode the symbolic meaning of the Golden Fleece. Robert Graves claimed that it was symbolic of Zeus in his ram form, while Palaephatus thought it represented an esoteric alchemical text. Marcus Porcius Cato and Marcus Terentius Varro associated the Golden Fleece with royal power, which would correspond to Grave's analysis, as Zeus is a deity embodying royal power.

Zeus is synonymous with Jupiter, and indeed Robson tells us that, "According to Ptolemy, the bright stars (in Argo Navis) are like Saturn and Jupiter". Robson also claims that the influence of this constellation, "is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind and spirit". In the ancient Mediterranean trade by sea was vital to the economy, so it is no surprise that sea voyages would be linked to the concept of wealth and prosperity, another quality of Zeus/Jupiter.

Avior is only visible from the Southern Hemisphere and thus bears no Classical name or mythological associations. The star was named by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office in the 1930's in England during the creation of a navigational almanac for use by the Royal Air Force. It is notable that the mythos of both the greater constellation and this star in particular relate to the concept of navigation and exploration, albeit in different contexts.

The exact meaning of the word Avior is unclear. It is most likely derived from the Latin Avi, meaning "Bird", which is the root of the English words aviary, avian and aviation (the purpose of the Royal Air Force). Avi is also Sanskrit word meaning "Sun". It is possible that the Latin and Sanskrit uses of this syllable may be related, as the flight of birds allows them to move closer to the Sun than earthbound creatures. Sensibly, birds are often mythological associated with Solar deities or cast in the role of the Sun's messenger. In Ukrainian myth, birds are portrayed as divine messengers who carry the golden keys to the Universe, a gift bestowed on them by the Sun God. In Ancient Egypt the Sun/Sky god Horus is depicted with the head of a falcon. Avior may be similar in influence to a combination of Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun.

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"  Orb = 0°53'
 Benjamin, Richard  Orb = 0°03'
 Brinkley, David  Orb = 0°10'
 Callow, Simon  Orb = 0°03'
 Cher  Orb = 0°22'
 De Laurentiis, Dino  Orb = 0°15'
 Edward II, King of England  Orb = 0°46'
 Fawcett, Farrah  Orb = 0°47'
 Gebel-Williams, Gunther  Orb = 0°07'
 Griffin, Merv  Orb = 0°10'
 Hand, Robert  Orb = 0°49'
 Harrah, William  Orb = 0°58'
 Hobby, Oveta Culp  Orb = 0°41'
 Kipling, Rudyard  Orb = 0°11'
 Lalo, Edouard  Orb = 0°28'
 Lemmon, Jack  Orb = 0°41'
 Nureyev, Rudolf  Orb = 0°34'
 Ride, Sally Kirsten  Orb = 0°14'
 Van Gogh, Vincent  Orb = 0°56'
 Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany  Orb = 0°41'

IC conjunct Kissin,  Orb: 0 deg 54 min

An emphasis on lifelong commitments, friendships and partnerships is indicated. There may be a desire to sacrifice something of oneself to ensure social stability or the safety of friends and family members. Emotional maturity and consistency leading to a deep sense of fulfillment is possible. Innate tenacity, patience and perseverance may aid one in accomplishing ambitious goals. There may also be a prevailing fascination with beauty, glamour and personal image.

Kissin is Gamma Comae Berenices in the constellation of Coma Berenices, Berenice's Hair.

This constellation  is one of the few named for a historical figure. Berenice II of Egypt was married to Ptolemy III Euergetes. When the king went to war against the Syrians (around 243 BCE), Queen Berenice cut her long, beautiful hair and offered it to the goddess Aphrodite to ensure her husband's safe return. The hair soon went missing from Aphrodite's temple. To appease the Queen, the court astronomer, Conon of Samos, suggested that Aphrodite had so loved her gift that she placed it in the sky as a constellation.

This constellation had previously been associated with hair. Some thought of it as the tuft of fur at the tail of Leo. Ptolemy called it "the Lock". Eratosthenes referred to it as "Ariadne's Hair", referencing the daughter of King Minos who helped the hero Theseus defeat the Minotaur.

In the ancient world hair was symbolic of one's individual spirit and vitality. In Greece, when a person died, a lock of their hair was removed to release their spirit. Hair was also associated with a woman's beauty as it is today. That is why Berenice cutting her lovely locks was such a powerful symbolic sacrifice.

The name Kissin refers to a species of ivy, or as Allen notes, "perhaps the climbing dog-rose". This star represents the ivy wreath which adorns Berenice's hair. Ivy is a tenacious evergreen vine known for it's vitality and hardiness. For these qualities, ivy was linked in classical and medieval symbolism to fidelity, lifelong friendships and commitments, constancy, rememberence, and the immortality of the soul.

Queen Berenice's sacrifice was motivated by her love for her husband and her great desire to protect his life. Both of the themes of marital fidelity and longevity are echoed in the symbolic meaning of ivy. They may therefore be relevant to the influence of Kissin.

According to Robson, Coma Berenices "is said to give a suave and well-bred manner, with great personal charm."

 Arbuckle, "Fatty"   Orb = 0°11'
 Arnaz Sr, Desi   Orb = 0°52'
 Benjamin, Richard   Orb = 0°41'
 Brinkley, David   Orb = 0°53'
 Cher   Orb = 0°22'
 De Laurentiis, Dino   Orb = 0°59'
 Edward II, King of England    Orb = 0°22'
 Gebel-Williams, Gunther   Orb = 0°36'
 Griffin, Merv   Orb = 0°34'
 Harding, Tonya   Orb = 0°44'
 Harrah, William   Orb = 0°15'
 Hobby, Oveta Culp   Orb = 0°02'
 Ives, Burl   Orb = 0°58'
 Kipling, Rudyard   Orb = 0°31'
 Perot, Henry Ross   Orb = 0°53'
 Ride, Sally Kirsten   Orb = 0°58'
 Van Gogh, Vincent   Orb = 0°16'