How to do quick readings with VA

4-Hour Vibrational Astrology Quick Readings Seminar Video

Exciting Holiday Season Festive event and a deep dive into using Vibrational Astrology for Quick Readings! This special event falls between the 8 days of Hanukkah and Christmas, and regardless of what spiritual or religious styles appeal to you, we hope you join us for this International Holiday Celebration and Vibrational Astrology Experience.

Recorded: Dec. 19, 2021.

Duration: 4 hours

Purchase Seminar Video $100

In early November, David did an online 4-Hour Intensive on how to do quick readings with Vibrational Astrology for ISAR. The enthusiasm and excitement were so high that we decided to do it again. So, by popular demand as the saying goes, we will have another 4-Hour Experience of Vibrational Astrology quick readings by the founder of Vibrational Astrology, David Cochrane.

This is an event you won’t want to miss. Be prepared to see astrology in a new light. The breaks will be short but we invite you to share your holiday style, culture, nation, and religious or astrological persuasion, whatever it may be! Let’s join together and share what we love and spread our love of learning and wisdom with All and spread kindness and love everywhere.