Video Tutorials
Kepler is very easy to use! It can be used by people with any level of experience, from novice to professional. Although this may sound impossible, we have made it possible by having well organized menus; novices can stick to the basics, and experts use the advanced features.
In the event that you are a student looking for an astrology program to use, Kepler is the best choice. Affordable priced, yet so large that you will take some time to outgrow it. Professional astrologers will also find this a valuable tool.
Click the tutorial name to launch the video.
Kepler's Main Window
5:36 minutes |
The Kepler Main Window is where you are likely to spend the most time. This window is the primary place where you do almost everything in Kepler. All Kepler functions are in this window. Selections can made with either the menu items in words at the very top of the screen or with the icons directly below the menu words. Some users prefer to use the words, but most users find that using the icons is faster and more intuitive. It does not matter whether you use the words or the icons; the functions are the same. When you move the mouse cursor over the icons, there is a small window that pops up to inform you what that icon does.
Main Data Entry Screen
4:57 minutes |
How to Enter Chart Data
“New” icon
3:17 minutes |
When you first run Kepler, the Main Data Entry screen is displayed and you are prompted to enter a birth data. When finished entering the birth data, the natal chart is then displayed on the screen. Given below are the instructions on how to enter birth data in Kepler either when you fist run Kepler or you just want to add more data into the program.
How to Create Progress Chart |
2:07 minutes |
Progression: A method of astrological forecasting used to determine when future astrological events or hits will occur.
How to Create Solar Return |
4:58 minutes |
Solar Return: A Solar Return is an exact moment when the Sun returns precisely to birth position after completing a full orbit rotation through the zodiac.
How to Create Lunar Return |
1:00 minutes
“R” for Return Charts Icon |
5:32 minutes
How to Create Relocated Chart |
1:58 minutes
How to Create a Composite Chart |
2:14 minutes
How to Create Harmonic or Vibration Charts: “975” icon |
2:41 minutes
How to Save Chart Wheel to File: Save to file icon |
3:18 minutes
How to Print Charts: “Printer” icon |
2:41 minutes
How to Select Default Chart Wheel |
4:48 minutes
How to Create BiWheel, TriWheel, QuadWheel: Wheel Icon |
17:21 minutes
How to Create Midpoint Tree, Midpoint Tree Comparison, Midpoint Weighting Analysis Listing, and Gauqueline Sectors Rise/Set Times: Midpoint Icon |
5:26 minutes
All functions completed: Listings icon |
16:30 minutes
Interpretation Icon |
16:10 minutes
Forecast Icon |
28:46 minutes
Maps Icon |
10:46 minutes
Synastry |
3:38 minutes
Other Icons |
14:46 minutes |
Vedic, Ephemeris, Settings, Chart Adjust, AstroClock, Help, Avalon, Calculator, and AstroSearch
How to Enter BC Dates |
1:13 minutes
How to use the Zoom In and Zoom Out Option |
0:58 minutes
How to make a backup of Kepler’s name database |
4:41 minutes
How to add a new place in Kepler |
2:48 minutes |
The Kepler atlas can be expanded by adding a new location. There are times when Kepler's atlas does not include small places with few inhabitants. In this video, we demonstrate how to add a small place in India that is not included in the program, but you will need its coordinates. Alternatively, you may wish to purchase the Mega Atlas, which contains a listing of tiny places around the world. Here is the link to the webpage with details: Mega Atlas
How to use Astro*Map |
11:27 minutes |
Interpretation, wheel, or distance