Rectification feature of Sirius analyzes all astrological
influences related to life changing events in a person's
life and then produces a graph of the likelihood that the
person was born at various times. What could take an astrologer
days or even weeks to calculate can be assembled in minutes
and graphed in a clear and concise manner!
Flexibility: To
rectify a chart in Sirius, simply click on "Forecast" or click
on the Forecast icon then select "Rectification".
Rectifying a chrt requires at least 5 very important and life
recorded events in the person's life. Entering these events
in Sirius recitification assist is also extremely easy. Most
common events are already lsited for you or you can create
your own event easily. Selecting a forecasting method to use
is also very easy. Simply select the calculation technique
that you want to use on the left side of the screen. If you
are not sure the technique to use and you are new to astrology,
simply give us a call or send us an e-mail so we can recommend
which methods to use.
Below are some Rectification
windows in Sirus:

After you clicked on "Rectification" (as shown above),
you will see the Rectification window, In the "Select Forecast
Method" box, select the rectification forecast methods by
clicking on the list. Select at least 3-5 forecast methods or
select whatever method(s) you wish to use.

After entering important events, you are now ready to rectify
the chart. The resulft is provided in graph and list format shown

Below is the window with the list
of Scores of each time calculated. The calculated 24 hours
is not shown but there
is a scrolling
side which you can scroll to view the scores of all calculated
time. The graph can either be printed, save to file, or both.
If you click on the "Details" button, a window with
detailed list is displayed.

In this windows (shown below)
contains a detailed list of all the calculated dates and
time. Because
the window issmall, a scrolling
up and down arrow is provided.
